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- [71] 赵圣之 , 李宇飞 and 杨克建. Stable kilo-hertz electro-optically Q-switched Tm,Ho:YAP laser at room temperature. Optics & Laser Technology, 81, 189, 2016.
- [72] 赵佳 , 李宇飞 and 赵圣之. Dual-wavelength Nd:LGGG laser intracavity pumped simultaneous OPO and SRS processes in single KTP. Applied Optics, 2016.
- [73] 赵佳 , 李宇飞 and 赵圣之. Modulation frequency characteristics of the Q-switched envelope in a doubly Q-switched and mode-l.... Optical Engineering, 2015.
- [74] 赵圣之 , 李宇飞 , 李桂秋 , 李德春 , 李涛 , 乔文超 and 杨克建. 88 ns multi-millijoule LiNbO 3 electro-optically Q-switched Tm:LuAG laser. Optics communications, 2015.
- [75] 赵圣之 , 李宇飞 , 李德春 and 赵佳. Doubly passively Q-switched Nd:GGG laser with a monolayer graphene saturable absorber and GaAs wa.... Laser Physics, 2014.
- [76] 赵佳 , 李宇飞 and 赵圣之. Dual-loss modulated Nd:GGG laser with Cr4+ :YAG and GaAs. Optics & Laser Technology, 2014.
- [77] 赵佳 , 李宇飞 and 赵圣之. Simultaneous intracavity optical parametric oscillation and stimulated Raman scattering pumped by.... APPLIED PHYSICS B, 2014.
- [78] 杨克建 , 李宇飞 , 李桂秋 , 李德春 , 赵佳 , 乔文超 , 李涛 and 赵圣之. Simultaneous operations at 1125 nm, 1161 nm, and 1567 nm from a single KTiOPO4 crystal pumped by.... Optics Letters, 39, 723, 2014.
- [79] 杨克建 , 李宇飞 , 李德春 , 李桂秋 , 赵佳 , 乔文超 and 赵圣之. Experimental and theoretical study of passively Q-switched Yb:YAGlaser with GaAs saturable absorb.... Optics & Laser Technology, 2013.
- [80] 冯传胜 , 赵圣之 , 李宇飞 , 杨克建 , 李桂秋 , 李德春 , 乔文超 , 李涛 and 赵佳. Passively Q-switched and mode-locked dual-wavelength Nd:GGG laser with Cr4+:YAG as a saturable ab.... Optics communications, 315, 8, 2014.