Personal Information:
  • Name (Pinyin):
  • Date of Employment:
  • School/Department:
  • Education Level:
    Postgraduate (Doctoral)
  • Gender:
  • Degree:
    Doctoral Degree in Engineering
  • Status:
  • Alma Mater:
  • Supervisor of Master's Candidates
Operational Research and Cybernetics;
Control Theory and Control Engineering;
Honors and Titles:

2025-01-01    山东大学齐鲁青年学者;
2023-11-30    山东省泰山学者青年专家;


长期致力于逻辑动态系统和博弈控制理论的研究工作,利用国内原创数学工具矩阵的半张量积研究博弈与控制领域的一些基本问题。近年来,以第一作者或通讯作者在Automatica(长文)、IEEE TAC(长文)等控制领域权威期刊上发表有关控制与博弈学习优化方面研究成果的论文共计20余篇,合作出版一部专著,成果受到国内外知名学者的关注和引用。

曾主持中国博士后特别资助项目(站前)、山东省自然科学基金青年项目、国家自然科学基金青年项目。曾获全国大学生数学竞赛(数学类)一等奖、全国大学生人工智能大赛银奖以及2022中国控制会议关肇直奖Final list。IEEE CSS Technical Committee on Discrete Event Systems Member,TCCT逻辑系统控制学组委员,中国自动化学会青年工作委员会委员、中国指挥与控制协会智能控制与系统专业委员会委员。

  • 2015-9 — 2019-12
    Doctoral Degree in Engineering
  • 2013-9 — 2015-7
    Master's Degree in Engineering
  • 2009-9 — 2013-7
    Bachelor's Degree in Science

1. 郑亚婷. Set stabilization of networked evolutionary games with probabilistic time-varying delays .IEEE Transactions on Control of Network Systems.2024 (11)

2. 李长喜. Logical Dynamic Games: Models, Equilibria, and Potentials .IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control.2024 (00)

3. 程代展. Design of zero-determinant strategies and its application to networked repeated games .SCIENCE CHINA-Information Sciences.2024 (67)

4. 刘文. Set stability of probabilistic logical networks and its application to state-based games? .IEEE Transactions on Control of Network Systems.2023 (10)

5. 李长喜. Symmetry-based decomposition of finite games .Science China Information Sciences.2019 (62)

6. 李长喜. Verification and dynamics of group-based potential games .IEEE Transactions on Control of Network Systems.2020 (6)

7. 李长喜. Transition Analysis of Stochastic Logical Control Networks .IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control.2023 (69)

8. 郭宇搴. Asymptotical stabilization of logic dynamical systems via output-based random control .IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control.2024 (69)

9. 李长喜. Symmetry-based decomposition of finite games .SCIENCE CHINA, Information Sciences.2019 (62)

10. 程代展. Design of zero-determinant strategies and its application to networked repeated games .Science China: Information Sciences.2024 (67)

11. 王彦斐. Zero-determinant strategies of multi-player multi-action repeated games with multiple memories .systems & control letters.2024 (185)

12. 李长喜. Verification and dynamics of group-based potential games .IEEE TCNS.2019 (6)

13. 刘文. Set stability of probabilistic logical networks and its application to state-based games .IEEE TCNS.2023 (10)

14. 郑亚婷. Modeling and Dynamics of Networked Evolutionary Game With Switched Time Delay .IEEE Transactions on Control of Network Systems.2021 (4):1778-1787

15. 郑亚婷. Set stabilization of networked evolutionary games with probabilistic time-varying delays .IEEE TCNS.2024 (11)

16. 李长喜. Modeling, analysis, and dynamics of Bayesian games via matrix-based method .JOURNAL OF THE FRANKLIN INSTITUTE-ENGINEERING AND APPLIED MATHEMATICS.2023 (360)

17. 李长喜. Logical Dynamic Games: Models, Equilibria, and Potentials .IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control.2024 (00)

18. 李长喜. A strategic learning algorithm for state-based games .Automatica.2020 (108615)

19. 郑亚婷. Modeling and Dynamics of Networked Evolutionary Game With Switched Time Delay .IEEE Transactions on Control of Network Systems.2021,8 (4):1778-1787

20. Changxi Li , Xiao Zhang , Jun-e Feng  and Daizhan Cheng. Transition analysis of stochastic logical control networks .IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control

21. Changxi Li , Yu Xing , Fenghua He  and Daizhan Cheng. A strategic learning algorithm for state-based games .Automatica, Regular paper

22. Changxi Li , Aming Li , Yuhu Wu  and Long Wang. Logical dynamic games: Models, equilibria, and potentials .IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, Full paper

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