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个人信息Personal Information
教授 博士生导师 硕士生导师
毕业院校:University of Bradford
- [21] 刘宁. An Efficient Reinforcement Learning Game Framework for UAV-Enabled Wireless Sensor Network Data Collection. Journal of Computer Science and Technology, 6, 1356, 2022.
- [22] 何伟. Joint Attention Networks with Inherent and Contextual Preference?Awareness for Successive POI Recommendation. Springer Data Science and Engineering, 7, 370, 2022.
- [23] 徐庸辉. Multi-modal information fusion-powered regional Covid-19 epidemic forecasting. 2021.
- [24] 余国先. Few-Shot Partial Multi-Label Learning. 2021.
- [25] 刘磊. The algorithm of multi-source to multi-sink traffic scheduling. 2021.
- [26] 何伟. 移动情景和用户轨迹感知的众包服务推荐. 计算机科学与探索, 13, 2019.
- [27] 程豪. PepFormer: End-to-End Transformer-Based Siamese Network to Predict and Enhance Peptide Detectability Based on Sequence Only. ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY, 93, 6481, 2021.
- [28] 何伟. Task Assignment with Consensus Decision for Spatial Crowdsouring. 2020.
- [29] 何伟. Multi-interest Aware Recommendation in Crowdintell Network. 2020.
- [30] 刘磊. Performance Modeling of a General GPS Scheduling Under Long Range Dependent Traffic. 2020.
- [31] 刘磊. Encrypted Network Traffic Classification: A data driven approach. 2020.
- [32] 史玉良. AdaptScale: An adaptive data scaling controller for improving the multiple performance requirements in Clouds. FUTURE GENERATION COMPUTER SYSTEMS-THE INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF GRID COMPUTING AND ESCIENCE, 105, 814, 2020.
- [33] 余国先. Few-Shot Partial-Label Learning. 2021.
- [34] 刘磊 and 崔立真. Balancing of the quality-of-service, energy and revenue of base stations in wireless networks via tullock contests. 2019.
- [35] 刘磊 and 崔立真. Power Rationing for Tradeoff Between Energy Consumption and Profit in Multimedia Heterogeneous Networks. IEEE journal on selected areas in communications, 2019.
- [36] 刘磊 , 崔立真 , 李庆忠 and 闫中敏. Promoting Higher Revenues for Both Crowdsourcer and Crowds in Crowdsourcing via Contest. 2019.
- [37] 李庆忠 , 张世栋 , 孔兰菊 , 刘磊 and 崔立真. Optimizing Replica Exchange Strategy for Load Balancing in Multitenant Databases. WAIM2016, 2016.
- [38] 史玉良 , 崔立真 , 刘磊 , 郑永清 and 张世栋. MapReduce short jobs optimization based on resource reuse. Microprocessors and Microsystems: Embedded Hardware Design(CCF C类期刊), 2016.
- [39] 史玉良 , 刘士军 , 刘磊 and 崔立真. Integrating Theoretical Modeling and Experimental Measurement for Soft Resource Allocation in Multi-Tier Web Systems. IEEE ICWS 2016(CCF B类会议), 2016.
- [40] 史玉良 , 刘磊 , 张世栋 , 郑永清 and 崔立真. CTP: a Scheduling Strategy to Smooth Response Time Fluctuations in. Microprocessors and Microsystems: Embedded Hardware Design (CCF C类期刊), 2016.