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个人信息Personal Information
教授 博士生导师 硕士生导师
毕业院校:University of Bradford
- [81] 刘磊. An Analytical Model of Data Plane Performance Subject to Prioritized Service. 14th IEEE International Symposium on Parallel and Distributed Processing with Applications (CCF C), 2016.
- [82] 刘磊 and 王华. Energy Efficient Routing with a Tree-Based Particle Swarm Optimization Approach. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 8631, 659-670, 2014.
- [83] 刘磊 and 王华. An Ant Colony Optimization Algorithm for Virtual Network Embedding. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 8630, 299, 2014.
- [84] 史玉良 , 刘磊 , 张世栋 , 郑永清 and 崔立真. CTP: a Scheduling Strategy to Smooth Response Time Fluctuations in. Microprocessors and Microsystems: Embedded Hardware Design (CCF C类期刊), 2016.
- [85] 史玉良 , 刘士军 , 刘磊 and 崔立真. Integrating Theoretical Modeling and Experimental Measurement for Soft Resource Allocation in Multi-Tier Web Systems. IEEE ICWS 2016(CCF B类会议), 2016.
- [86] 史玉良 , 崔立真 , 刘磊 , 郑永清 and 张世栋. MapReduce short jobs optimization based on resource reuse. Microprocessors and Microsystems: Embedded Hardware Design(CCF C类期刊), 2016.
- [87] 肖宗水 , 李庆忠 , 刘磊 and 崔立真. A Method of E-Commerce Trading Process Construction based on PaaS Platform. (ICEBE 2015)2015 IEEE 12th International Conference on e-Business Engineering, 220, 2015.
- [88] 李庆忠 , 张世栋 , 孔兰菊 , 刘磊 and 崔立真. Optimizing Replica Exchange Strategy for Load Balancing in Multitenant Databases. WAIM2016, 2016.
- [89] 刘磊. Message from ICESS-2012 program chairs. IEEE ICESS-2012, 2012.
- [90] 刘磊. Message from ESA-2012 symposium chairs. HPCC-2012, 2012.
- [91] 刘磊 and 戴鸿君. A big data inspired chaotic solution for fuzzy feedback linearization model in cyber-physical systems. journal of ad hoc networks, 35, 97, 2015.
- [92] 刘磊. Intelligent Road Congestion Prediction Employing Queueing Based Model . The 15th International Conference on Algorithms and Architectures for Parallel Processing (ICA3PP 2015), 2015.
- [93] 刘磊 and 郑永清. A methodology for clustering XML documents based on labeled tree. (FSKD'09)6th International Conference on Fuzzy Systems and Knowledge Discovery, 2009.
- [94] 刘磊. Modelling and Analysis of Dynamic Spectrum Access in Cognitive Radio Networks with Self-similar Traffic. IEEE GLOBECOM’10, 2010.
- [95] 刘磊. Analytical Modelling and Performance Evaluation of Multi-Buffer ARQ systems under Prioritized Self-Similar Traffic. IEEE ICC’10, 2010.
- [96] 刘磊. Performance Modelling and Analysis of Deficit Round Robin Scheduling Scheme with Self-Similar Traffic. Journal of Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience, 22, 2010.
- [97] 刘磊. Performance Analysis of an Integrated Scheduling Scheme in the Presence of Bursty MMPP Traffic. Journal of Systems and Software, 84, 2011.
- [98] 刘磊. A Comprehensive Analytical Model of Cognitive Radio Networks Employing Centralised Scheduling Mechanism. 14th IEEE International Conference on High Performance Computing and Communications, HPCC-2012, 1, 1179, 2012.
- [99] 刘磊. Real-Time Diagnosis of Network Anomaly based on Statistical Traffic Analysis. 11th IEEE International Conference on Trust, Security and Privacy in Computing and Communications, TrustCom-2012, 1, 264, 2012.
- [100] 王华 , 刘磊 and 李巍. Message from the FFCN-2012 workshop chairs. the 14th IEEE International Conference on High Performance Computing and Communications, 2012.