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- [31] 卢霏. The damage analusis of Nd:YVO4 crystal implanted by He+ ions at low energy. SOPO2012, 2012.
- [32] 卢霏. Low-loss optical waveguides and Y-branchsplitters in lithium niobate fabricated by MeVoxygen ions.... Optics Express, 20, 21114, 2012.
- [33] 卢霏. Waveguide effect in ZnO crystal by He+ ions implantation: Analysis of optical. Optics communications, 1225, 2012.
- [34] 卢霏. Annealing effect and photoluminescence properties in Tm+-implanted ZnO crystal. Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research B, 172, 2012.
- [35] 卢霏. Theoretical modeling and experiment of refractive index change in He+ ion-implanted KTP waveguide. Applied Optics, 51, 2400, 2012.
- [36] 卢霏. Analysis of Si+-implanted Nb:YVO4 crystal: the relation between lattice damage and waveguide form.... Applied Optics, 51, 5657, 2012.
- [37] 卢霏. Refractive index profile in ion-implanted neodymium-doped yttrium vanadate waveguide: the relatio.... Optical Engineering, 59, 097101-1, 2013.
- [38] 卢霏. Optical confinement achieved in ZnO crystal by O+ ions implantation: analysis of waveguide format.... Optics Express, 19, 7139, 2011.
- [39] 卢霏 and 李凯凯. Effect of Er local surrounding on photoluminescence of Si Er co-doped ZnO film. Journal of Luminescence, 200, 9, 2018.
- [40] 卢霏 and 李凯凯. Effect of Er local surrounding on photoluminescence of Si Er co-doped ZnO film. Journal of Luminescence, 200, 9, 2018.