Paper Publications
[21] lvjiaju and 赵作辉. LC-MS/MS Analysis Unravels Deep Oxidation of Manganese Superoxide Dismutase in Kidney Cancer. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR SCIENCES, 18, 2017.
[22] lvjiaju and 田思男. 原发性输尿管肿瘤45例临床分析. 临床泌尿外科杂志, 32, 607, 2017.
[23] 董伟. 靶向抑制有丝分裂驱动蛋白治疗多西紫杉醇耐药前列腺癌的体外疗效. 《山东大学学报》(医学版), 55, 23, 2017.
[24] lvjiaju and sunliang. HCRP1 regulates proliferation, invasion, and drug resistance via EGFR signaling in prostate cance.... Biomedicine & Pharmacotherapy, 91, 202, 2017.
[25] lvjiaju and 殷雷. CYLD抑制自噬提高膀胱癌细胞吉西他滨化疗敏感性. 《山东大学学报》(医学版), 55, 1, 2017.
[26] lvjiaju. Prognostic signif icance of two lipid metabolism enzymes, HADHA. Tumour Biol, 2015.
[27] lvjiaju. Label-free quantitative proteomic analysis reveals potential biomarkers and pathways in renal cel.... Tumour Biol, 2015.
[28] lvjiaju. High mobility group box 1 protein is methylated and transported to cytoplasm in clear cell renal .... Asian Pac J Cancer Prev., 2013.
[29] lvjiaju. Controversies in the treatments of prostate cancer. 《Chin Med J (Engl)》, 2013.
[30] lvjiaju. Truncated ERG proteins affect the aggressiveness of prostate cancer.. Med Hypotheses, 2013.
[31] lvjiaju. 蛇毒血凝酶膀胱冲洗及灌注对前列腺电切术后止血的疗效. 山东大学学报医学版, 2012.
[32] lvjiaju. Tumor-infiltrating regulatory T cells are positively correlated with angiogenic status in renal c.... Chin Med J, 2012.
[33] lvjiaju. 血清tPSA、PSAD及Gleason评分在前列腺癌分期中的应用价值. 《中华男科学杂志》, 16, 415, 2010.
[34] lvjiaju. 肾透明细胞癌中SDF-1/CXCR4表达及临床意义的探讨. 中国医科大学学报, 2011.
[35] lvjiaju. 前列腺癌局部治疗的研究进展. 山东大学学报(医学版), 2018.
[36] 赵婧. Risk assessment models to evaluate the necessity of prostate biopsies in North Chinese patients w.... ONCOTARGET, 8, 9935, 2017.