Variational Bayesian learning for removal of sparse impulsive noise from speech signals. Wan, Hongjie, Ma, Xin and Li, Xuebin. Digit. Signal Process. 73 (2018),106--116; MR3737879.
  • 是否译文:

上一条:Using dictionary pair learning for seizure detection. Xin Ma, Nana Yu, Weidong Zhou. International Journal of Neural Systems. Vol. 28, No. 7 (2018).

下一条:Experimental Analysis of Space Acoustic Field Positioning Characteristics of Plecotus Auritus Pinna Model.Sen Zhang , Xin Ma* , Yufeng Pan,Hongwang Lu. Proceedings of International Conference on Geo-spatial Knowledge & Intelligence 2017, Beijing, P.R. China, CCIS, volume 848

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