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More >>Research Associate
Date of Birth: 1992-07-08
Alma Mater:东南大学
Education Level:Postgraduate (Postdoctoral)
马源,男,博士/博士后,山东大学助理研究员。主要从事道路全寿命周期的智能建造与数字孪生领域科学研究。近3年以第一/通讯作者在Automat Constr, IEEE-TITS等期刊发表SCI/EI论文17篇。参与完成研究性课题10多项。目前为Automation in Construction、Case studies in construction materials等期刊审稿人。
[1] Ma Y, Chen F, Ma T*, et al. Intelligent Compaction: An Improved Quality Monitoring and Control of Asphalt Pavement Construction Technology[J]. (IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, 2021, 99: 1-8.).
[2] Fang Z, Ma T, Ma Y*. Deriving Stiffness Indices for Intelligent Compaction Using Inverse Analysis of Excitation and Contact Forces[J]. (Automation in Construction, 2024, n, 271523953).
[3] Ma Y, Lu W*,Luan Y, et al. Research on global optimization mechanism of intelligent compaction construction parameters of roadbed soil based on difference method[J]. (Journal of Building Engineering, 2024, 82 (2024): 108381).
[4] Ma Y, Luan Y, Ma T*, et al. Research on key influencing factors of scrap tire-soil retaining wall[J]. (Case Studies in Construction Materials, 2023, 19, e02277).
[5] Ma Y, Luan Y, Zhang W*, et al. Numerical Simulation of Intelligent Compaction for Subgrade Construction[J]. (Journal of Central South University, 2020, 27(7SI): 2173-2184).
[6] Zhu Y, Ma T, Ma Y*,et al. Research on intelligent compaction stiffness index and its application based on three-degree-of-freedom elastic-plastic dynamical model, (Construction and Building Materials, 2023, 409, 133978).
[7] Luan Y, Ma Y*, Ma T. Investigation on the effects of physical property and stress state of graded crushed stone on resilient modulus and permanent deformation[J]. (Construction and Building Materials, 2023, ).
[8] Luan Y, Ma Y*, Ma T, Wang C, Xia F. Evaluation of the Applicability of Rutting Performance Indicators for Asphalt Performance [J]. (Construction and Building Materials, 2023, 400, 132628).
[9] Ma Y, Zhang Y, Ma T*,et al. Research on intelligent compaction quality evaluation index and its uniformity[J]. (ASCE-Journal of Transportation Engineering Part B: Pavements, 2022, 148(2): 04022024.).
[10] Ma Y, Luan Y, Ma T*. Investigation of Compacting Parameters on Intelligent Compaction Quality Based on Dynamic Model [J]. (ASCE-Journal of Transportation Engineering Part B: Pavements, 2023, 149 (4): 40423027).
[11] Ma Y, Du C*. Multiple vehicles tracking with a flexible life cycle strategy based on roadside LiDAR sensors[J] (ASCE-Journal of Transportation Engineering, Part A: Systems, 2024, 150 (4): 04024010) .
[12] Ma Y, Lv C, Tian Y*, et al. Vehicle Trajectory Prediction in Expressway Merging Areas Based on Self-Supervised Mechanism [J] (ASCE-Journal of Transportation Engineering, Part A: Systems, 2023).
[13] Luan Y, Ma X, Ma Y*, Liu X. Research on strength improvement and stabilization mechanism of organic polymer stabilizer for clay soil of subgrade [J]. (Case Studies in Construction Materials, 2023, 19, e02397).
[14] Ma Y, You Y, Zhang W*, et al. Elastic-viscoplastic Constitutive Model of Soil under Cyclic Loading[J]. Advances in Civil Engineering, 2 2021, 2021(23):1-12.
[15] Ma Y, Luan Y, Ma T*, et al. Numerical simulation analysis for the effect of water content on the intelligent compaction quality of roadbed[J]. (Electronic Research Archive, 2023, 8 (31): 4968-4984). JCR分区:Q3, IF: 0.8.
[16] 马源,方周,韩涛等. 路基智能压实关键控制参数动态仿真及演变规律[J]. 中南大学学报(自然科学版), 2021, 52(7):2246-2257.
[17] 马涛*, 马源,黄晓明. 基于多元非线性回归的智能压实关键参数最优解[J].吉林大学学报(工学版), 2023, 7(53): 2067-2077.
[1] 马源, 崔兵兵等. 测量建筑材料间粘结强度和摩擦系数的试验装置:CN201620094851.1[P]. 2016-07-13.实用新型专利.
[2] 宋修广,马源等. 测量建筑材料间粘结强度和摩擦系数的试验装置及方法:CN201610066276.9[P]. 2016-06-01.发明专利.
[3] 马源, 王珂等. 一种测量建筑材料在围压下抗压强度的试验装置:CN201620339796.8[P]. 2016-08-24.实用新型专利.
[4] 宋修广, 马源等. 一种测量建筑材料在围压下抗压强度的试验装置及方法:CN201610251343.4[P]. 2016-06-22. 发明专利.
[5] 马涛, 马源等. 一种组合式可变截面路基压实模型模拟装置:CN201911190916.7[P]. 2020-03-06. 发明专利.
[6] 马涛, 马源等. 一种自控调节压实速度的智能压实装置及其使用方法:CN201911192057.5[P]. 2020-02-28. 发明专利.
[7] 马涛, 马源等. 一种分析振动压实状态下颗粒三维流动状态的方法:CN201910267308.5[P]. 2019-08-09. 发明专利.
[8] 蒋双全,邓应斌,马源等. 一种道路智能压实指标、测量计算方法及系统: CN 116150554 B[P]. 2023-07-28. 发明专利.
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