个人信息 Personal information
- [41] 万骁乐. 生产规模不经济性条件下考虑消费者偏好的智慧供应链扶贫模型研究. 中国管理科学, 2020.
- [42] 孟庆春. The Spread of Information in Virtual Communities. Complexity, 2020.
- [43] 张祯. The Spread of Information in Virtual Communities. Complexity, 2020, 2020.
- [44] 王成韦. Research on the Sustainable Synergetic Development of Chinese Urban Economies in the Context of a.... SUSTAINABILITY, 12, 2020.
- [45] 孟庆春. Electronics closed-loop supply chain value co-creation considering cross-shareholding. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2021.
- [46] 孟庆春. 捐赠的易腐性应急生活物资销售策略实施建议. 人文天下, 2020.
- [47] 孟庆春. “供应链+多元主体”视角下中小制造企业污染共治路径与机制研究. 《中国软科学》, 100, 2020.
- [48] 张伸. 销售商持股制造商的闭环供应链价值创造研究. 《软科学》, 2020.
- [49] 刘冰. 团队氛围对团队绩效影响机制的实证分析. 《中国软科学》, 2011.
- [50] 孟庆春 and 张伸. 电商平台扣点率影响下的双渠道供应链协调定价研究. 中国管理科学, 2019.