Paper Publications
- [33] ningshou. 基于电影蒙太奇的建筑叙事空间建构. 《建筑与文化》, No.179, 2019.
- [34] ningshou. 原齐鲁大学教授别墅中西合璧式建筑风格研究. 建筑工程技术与设计, 106, 2016.
- [35] ningshou. Green Technology’s Effect on Sustainable Office Property Development in Sydney. Advances in Engineering Research, 30, 1532, 2016.
- [36] zhuruiran and ningshou. A Brief Analysis of the Urban Street Design Based on TOD Mode. Applied Mechanics and Materials Vols. 357-360 (2013) pp 1970-1974, Vols.357-360 (2013) , 2013.
- [37] ningshou. 基于卫星影像和GPS的村庄整治规划设计方法——以北李村为例. 城市空间设计, Vol.33, 2013.
- [38] ningshou. 国内外种植屋面节能研究比较分析. 《工业建筑》, Vol.43 Total No.480, 48, 2013.
- [39] donghua and ningshou. 高校艺术建筑工程项目设计探讨——以山东大学艺术学院教学楼为例. 《经济师》, 2008.
- [40] The assessment of values and its effect on intervention in historic building conservation. MECHANICS AND ARCHITECTURAL DESIGN, 2017.
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