Title : Homogeneous Alloy-like Organic Single Crystals Based on Nonplanar 8?Hydroxyquinoline Metallic Complexes: A Novel Pathway to Supramolecular Crystals with an Arbitrarily Adjustable Stoichiometric Ratio
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Affiliation of Author(s):微电子学院
Title of Paper:Homogeneous Alloy-like Organic Single Crystals Based on Nonplanar 8?Hydroxyquinoline Metallic Complexes: A Novel Pathway to Supramolecular Crystals with an Arbitrarily Adjustable Stoichiometric Ratio
Journal:ACS Applied Energy Materials
First Author:戴成虎
Indexed by:Unit Twenty Basic Research
Document Code:932E32EDEBAF468A938475DE0A90B441
Page Number:4367
Number of Words:6
Translation or Not:no
Date of Publication:2018-06-19
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