location: Current position: Home >> Scientific Research >> Paper Publications

Behavior of Cylindrospermopsis raciborskii during coagulation and. sludge storage - higher potential risk of toxin release than Microcystis aeruginosa?


Affiliation of Author(s):环境科学与工程学院

Journal:Journal of Hazardous Materials

All the Authors:Helen

First Author:李红敏

Indexed by:Unit Twenty Basic Research

Document Code:5611CCAADB81466DADA01854B1DD379F


Page Number:307

Translation or Not:no

Date of Publication:2018-04-05

Pre One:Microcystin-LR degradation by hydrogen-terminated porous Si under visible light irradiation

Next One:Growth of large-cell and easily-sedimentation microalgae Golenkinia SDEC-16 for biofuel production and campus sewage treatment