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Bimetallic Bi-Sn microspheres as high initial coulombic efficiency and long lifespan anodes for sodium-ion batteries


Affiliation of Author(s):化学与化工学院

Journal:chemical communications

First Author:朱延松

Document Code:A71C54D3CEAF473C89A5C53ED6315864



Page Number:5140

Translation or Not:no

Date of Publication:2022-04-21

Pre One:Quantum-Matter Bi/TiO2 Heterostructure Embedded in N-Doped Porous Carbon Nanosheets for Enhanced Sodium Storage

Next One:One-Step, Vacuum-Assisted Construction of Micrometer-Sized Nanoporous Silicon Confined by Uniform Two-Dimensional N-Doped Carbon toward Advanced Li Ion and MXene-Based Li Metal Batteries