Qiao Xu
Personal Information:
  • Name (English):
    Qiao Xu
  • Name (Pinyin):
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  • Date of Employment:
  • School/Department:
  • Education Level:
    With Certificate of Graduation for Doctorate Study
  • Gender:
  • Contact Information:
  • Degree:
    Doctoral Degree in Engineering
  • Status:
  • Alma Mater:
  • Supervisor of Master's Candidates
Biomedical Engineering;
  • 2007-9 — 2010-9
    Doctoral Degree in Engineering
  • 2004-9 — 2007-7
    Master's Degree in Science
  • 2000-9 — 2004-7
    Bachelor's Degree in Science
Research direction

No contents


1. . Intelligent tongue diagnosis model for gastrointestinal diseases based on tongue images .Biomedical Signal Processing and Control.2024 (1746-8094)

2. 卢辰洋. UniverDetect: Universal landmark detection method for multidomain X-ray images .Neurocomputing.2024 ( 1746-8094)

3. 卢辰洋. Multiphase comparative study for WHO/ISUP nuclear grading diagnostic model based on enhanced CT images of clear cell renal cell carcinoma .Scientific Reports.2024 (2045-2322)

4. 谯旭. Whole-liver histogram analysis of hepatocyte-specific contrast-enhanced magnetic resonance imaging for predicting progression in patients with cirrhosis .QUANTITATIVE IMAGING IN MEDICINE AND SURGERY.2024,14 (8):6072-6086

5. 卢辰洋. UniverDetect: Universal landmark detection method for multidomain X-ray images .Neurocomputing.2024,600

6. 谯旭. Intelligent tongue diagnosis model for gastrointestinal diseases based on tongue images .Biomedical Signal Processing and Control.2024,96

7. 谯旭. DeepSAP: A Novel Brain Image-Based Deep Learning Model for Predicting Stroke-Associated Pneumonia From Spontaneous Intracerebral Hemorrhage .ACADEMIC RADIOLOGY.2024

8. 卢辰洋. Multiphase comparative study for WHO/ISUP nuclear grading diagnostic model based on enhanced CT images of clear cell renal cell carcinoma .Scientific Reports.2024,14 (1)

9. 卢辰洋. Multi-Scale Semantic Fusion of a Large Receptive Field for Irregular Pelvic X-Ray Landmark Detection . IEEE Access .2023,11 :136395-136409

10. 盖路路. Comparing CNN-based and transformer-based models for identifying lung cancer: which is more effective? .MULTIMEDIA TOOLS AND APPLICATIONS.2023

11. 卢辰洋. Two-Stage Method for Automatic Detection of Pelvic Landmarks .2023 :39-44

12. Xin, Chen. Deep learning for the rapid automatic segmentation of forearm muscle boundaries from ultrasound datasets .Frontiers in Physiology.2023,14

13. . A brain CT-based approach for predicting and analyzing stroke-associated pneumonia from intracerebral hemorrhage .FRONTIERS IN NEUROLOGY.2023,14

14. 陈威. Integrating Radiomics with Genomics for Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer Survival Analysis .JOURNAL OF ONCOLOGY.2022,2022 :5131170

15. . Predicting the Risk of Adverse Events in Pregnant Women With Congenital Heart Disease .JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN HEART ASSOCIATION.2020,9 (14):e016371

16. 谯旭. tensorGSEA: Detecting Differential Pathways in Type 2 Diabetes via Tensor-Based Data Reconstruction .Interdisciplinary Sciences-Computational Life Sciences.2022,14 (2):520-531

17. . Prognostic Assessment of Cervical Cancer Patients by Clinical Staging and Surgical-Pathological Factor: A Support Vector Machine-Based Approach .FRONTIERS IN ONCOLOGY.2020,10

18. 赵国庆. Predicting lncRNA-Protein Interactions by Heterogenous Network Embedding .FRONTIERS IN GENETICS.2022,12

19. 杨奉常. Machine Learning for Histologic Subtype Classification of Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer: A Retrospective Multicenter Radiomics Study .FRONTIERS IN ONCOLOGY.2021,10

20. 王吉阔. Automated ECG classification using a non-local convolutional block attention module .Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine.2021,203

21. 刘露. Computer-aided diagnostic system based on deep learning for classifying colposcopy images .abs.2021,9 (13)

22. 刘珊珊. Light scattering pattern specific convolutional network static cytometry for label-free classification of cervical cells .CYTOMETRY PART A.2021

23. 陈威. HSN: Hybrid Segmentation Network for Small Cell Lung Cancer Segmentation .IEEE Access .2019,7 :75591

24. 陈威. Computer-Aided Grading of Gliomas Combining Automatic Segmentation and Radiomics .International Journal of Biomedical Imaging.2018,30

25. 陈威. Automatic Brain Tumor Segmentation Based on Features of Separated Local Square .2017 Chinese Automation Congress (CAC).2017 :6489

26. Su Xuantao , Qiao Xu Pattern recognition cytometry for label-free cell classification by 2D light scattering measurements .Optics Express.2015

27. Qiao Xu , liuqiao , Su Xuantao , 解琳艳 2D light scattering static cytometry for label-free single cell analysis with submicron resolution .CYTOMETRY PART A.2015

28. Qiao Xu , liuqiao , shaochangshun , Su Xuantao  and 林梅爱. Light-sheet-based 2D light scattering cytometry for label-free characterization of senescent cells .Biomedical Optics Express.2016

29. Qiao Xu , Su Xuantao , 刘珊珊 Label-free analysis of single and multiple cells with a 2D light scattering static cytometer .2015

30. liuqiao , Qiao Xu , 魏海峰 Application of computed tomography-based radiomics signature analysis in the prediction of the response of small cell lung cancer patients to first-line chemotherapy .Experimental and Therapeutic medicine.2019,17 (5):3621

31. Yong Wen , Qiao Xu , xuxin  and sunbaiyu. Expression pattern of YAP and TAZ during orthodontic tooth movement in rats .Journal of Molecular Histology.2018,49 (2):123

32. liuqiao , Qiao Xu , shaochangshun , Su Xuantao  and 林梅爱. Label-free light-sheet microfluidic cytometry for the automatic identification of senescent cells .Biomedical Optics Express.2018,9 (4):1692

33. jiangbaoqi , Qiao Xu , Yong Wen  and 贾凌璐. Activated Yes-Associated Protein Accelerates Cell Cycle, Inhibits Apoptosis, and Delays Senescence in Human Periodontal Ligament Stem Cells .International Journal of Medical Sciences.2018,15 (11):1241

34. Qiao Xu  and liuzhiping. Multi-dimensional data representation using linear tensor coding .IET Image Processing.2017, 11 (7):492

35. Qiao Xu. Automatic Segmentation Method for Kidney Using Dual Direction Adaptive Diffusion Flow .Innovation in Medicine and Healthcare 2015.2015

36. Qiao Xu. A New Linear Coding Algorithm for efficient Multi-dimensional Data Representation without Data Expansion .proceeding of 6th International Conference on New Trends in Information Science, Service Science and Data Mining (ISSDM'12).2012 :478

37. Qiao Xu. Group Sparse Representation of Adaptive Sub-domain Selection for Image Classification .proceeding of 21th International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR'12).2012 :1431

38. Qiao Xu  and Su Xuantao. Pattern recognition cytometry for label-free cell classification by 2D light scattering measurements .Optics Express.2015

39. Qiao Xu  and Su Xuantao. Light-sheet-based 2D light scattering cytometry for label free characterization of senescent cells .Biomedical Optics Express.2016,7 (12):5170

40. Qiao Xu. Tensor-Based Subspace Learning for Multi-pose Face Synthesis .Subspace Methods for Pattern Recognition in Intelligent Environment.2014 :171

41. Qiao Xu. Statistical Texture Modeling for Medical Volume Using Linear Tensor Coding .Comp. Math. Methods in Medicine 2013.2013

42. Qiao Xu  and Su Xuantao. Pattern recognition cytometry for label-free cell classification by 2D light scattering measurements .Optics Express.2015

43. Qiao Xu  and Su Xuantao. Light-sheet-based 2D light scattering cytometry for label free characterization of senescent cells .Biomedical Optics Express.2016,7 (12):5170

44. liuqiao , Qiao Xu  and 魏海峰. Application of computed tomography-based radiomics signature analysis in the prediction of the response of small cell lung cancer patients to first-line chemotherapy .Experimental and Therapeutic medicine.2019,17 (5):3621

45. Yong Wen , Qiao Xu , xuxin  and sunbaiyu. Expression pattern of YAP and TAZ during orthodontic tooth movement in rats .Journal of Molecular Histology.2018,49 (2):123

46. jiangbaoqi , Qiao Xu , Yong Wen  and 贾凌璐. Activated Yes-Associated Protein Accelerates Cell Cycle, Inhibits Apoptosis, and Delays Senescence in Human Periodontal Ligament Stem Cells .International Journal of Medical Sciences.2018,15 (11):1241

47. liuqiao , Qiao Xu , shaochangshun , Su Xuantao  and 林梅爱. Label-free light-sheet microfluidic cytometry for the automatic identification of senescent cells .Biomedical Optics Express.2018,9 (4):1692

48. Qiao Xu  and Su Xuantao. Pattern recognition cytometry for label-free cell classification by 2D light scattering measurements .Optics Express.2015

49. Qiao Xu  and Su Xuantao. Light-sheet-based 2D light scattering cytometry for label free characterization of senescent cells .Biomedical Optics Express.2016,7 (12):5170

50. Qiao Xu. Tensor-Based Subspace Learning for Multi-pose Face Synthesis .Subspace Methods for Pattern Recognition in Intelligent Environment.2014 :171

51. Qiao Xu. Automatic Segmentation Method for Kidney Using Dual Direction Adaptive Diffusion Flow .Innovation in Medicine and Healthcare 2015.2015

52. Qiao Xu. Statistical Texture Modeling for Medical Volume Using Linear Tensor Coding .Comp. Math. Methods in Medicine 2013.2013

53. Qiao Xu. Group Sparse Representation of Adaptive Sub-domain Selection for Image Classification .proceeding of 21th International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR'12).2012 :1431

54. Qiao Xu. A New Linear Coding Algorithm for efficient Multi-dimensional Data Representation without Data Expansion .proceeding of 6th International Conference on New Trends in Information Science, Service Science and Data Mining (ISSDM'12).2012 :478

55. liuzhiping  and Qiao Xu. Multi-dimensional data representation using linear tensor coding .IET Image Processing.2017, 11 (7):492

Research project

1. 基于舌像的健康评估分析系统的研发, 2024/09/15-2025/04/14

2. 面向脊髓损伤神经功能重建的脑机接口关键技术与智能康复系统研发, 2022/09/30-2024/12/31

3. 隐患上报核准、铁路沿线综合整治核验及视频会议系统运维保障等技术支持服务, 2023/09/20-2024/03/01

4. 智能无标记双模态高性能流式细胞仪研究, 2022/09/30-2024/12/31

5. 基于大数据的东北亚国别数据库建设, 2023/08/15-2024/06/14

6. 整合多组学数据识别肝癌生物标记物的研究, 2022/09/30-2024/12/31

7. (包干项目)卵巢癌患者保留生育功能评估体系和相关技术研发, 2022/11/01-2025/12/30

8. 可移动无人化医疗数字战备方舱的研制及应用, 2022/11/01-2024/11/30

9. 心血管智能超声研发工作室, 2023/01/01-2025/12/31

10. 基于MRI影像数据的肝脏功能评估系统的开发, 2022/09/01-2023/10/31

11. 肺部虚拟支气管镜导航系统的研发, 2022/07/01-2023/05/01

12. 基于多模态数据的宫颈癌智能筛查系统的研发, 2022/01/01-2024/12/31

13. (包干项目)基于多模态医学影像的肝硬化分级及功能分析系统的关键技术研究, 2021/12/23-2024/12/31

14. 基于机器学习的海洋藻类自动识别系统的研究, 2018/12/07-2022/12/31

15. 基于持久同调的深度学习研究及其在自闭症分类中的应用, 2020/12/16-2023/12/31

16. 无标记高通量模式识别流式细胞仪研制, 2019/11/21-2021/12/31

17. 多肢体协调控制与辅助作业策略研究, 2019/06/01-2022/05/30

18. 复杂室外环境下的大视场、大范围场景感知研究, 2015/08/17-2019/12/31

19. 免标记白血病检测广角度流式细胞术研究, 2018/04/01-2021/07/01

20. 基于力矩感知控制的精确抓握动力学检测分析及在糖尿病周围神经病变早期筛查中的应用, 2017/08/01-2020/06/30

21. 分子生物学代谢过程多模型建模及非线性分析, 2014/08/15-2018/12/31

22. 基于数据整合的转录因子和微RNA协同作用的基因调控网络重构的生物信息学方法研究, 2015/07/01-2017/07/31

23. 整合先验信息与组学数据重构转录和转录后调控网络的生物信息学方法研究, 2015/08/17-2019/12/31

24. 自由无拘束多曝光融合的研究, 2012/08/17-2015/12/31

25. 监控视频中车内人员信息分析系统研发, 2018/01/10-2019/12/31

26. 基于空间结构和纹理信息的肝脏自动分割方法的研究, 2016/08/17-2019/12/31

27. 基于高维数据的肝脏器官的统计建模及其在医疗辅助诊断系统的应用, 2015/03/02-2018/03/31

28. 基于张量运算的肝脏统计建模与分析, 2014/12/01-2017/12/31

29. 基于肝脏体数据的医学辅助诊断模型, 2013/10/28-2016/12/31

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