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- . Intelligent tongue diagnosis model for gastrointestinal diseases based on tongue images. Biomedical Signal Processing and Control, 2024.
- 卢辰洋. UniverDetect: Universal landmark detection method for multidomain X-ray images. Neurocomputing, 2024.
- 卢辰洋. Multiphase comparative study for WHO/ISUP nuclear grading diagnostic model based on enhanced CT images of clear cell renal cell carcinoma. Scientific Reports, 2024.
- 谯旭. Whole-liver histogram analysis of hepatocyte-specific contrast-enhanced magnetic resonance imaging for predicting progression in patients with cirrhosis. QUANTITATIVE IMAGING IN MEDICINE AND SURGERY, 14, 6072-6086, 2024.
- 卢辰洋. UniverDetect: Universal landmark detection method for multidomain X-ray images. Neurocomputing, 600, 2024.
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