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Affiliation of Author(s):微生物技术研究院
Journal:International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology
All the Authors:zhangyuzhong,qinqilong,zhangxiying,lipingyi,jiebinbin,chenxiulan
First Author:李旦旦
Document Code:D179F5D2D5634CCD9139BF2FCB13B347
Volume: 67
Page Number:2459
Translation or Not:no
Date of Publication:2017-07-01
Pre One:Structural and Mechanistic Insights into the Improvement of the Halotolerance of a Marine Microbial Esterase by Increasing Intra- and Interdomain Hydrophobic Interactions
Next One:Mechanistic insight into acrylate metabolism and detoxification in marine dimethylsulfoniopropionate-catabolizing bacteria