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Project Name: : 深化医药卫生体制改革问题与对策研究

Affiliation of Participant(s): : 公共卫生学院

Leading Scientist: : 徐凌忠

Nature of Project: : 纵向

Project level: : 省、部委级

Project Number: : D10CD57FC9C71883E053BE07C2CAECA4

Date of Project Approval: : 2021-10-01

Scheduled completion time: : 2022-06-30

Date of Project Completion: : 2022-06-30

Date of Project Initiation: : 2021-10-01

Project Approval Number: : 21AWTJ08

Personal information

Gender : Female

School/Department : 公共卫生学院

Date of Employment : 2020-03-24

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