盛力,山东大学特聘教授,上海合作组织研究院执行院长;北京大学德语文学学士,德国弗莱堡大学经济学硕士、博士;先后任教、礼任及访问于德国弗莱堡大学、澳门大学、澳门理工大学、中山大学、日本神户大学、德国埃尔朗根纽伦堡大学、美国佛罗里达州立大学、俄罗斯圣彼得堡理工大学等;长期从事国际政治经济学及旅游城市管治的研究,在相关领域的国际学术期刊发表百余篇论文,其中SSCI期刊论文50篇,Springer和Palgrave MacMillan等国际一流学术出版社发行的英德文专著12部,谷歌学术引用1900+,H指数28;获得教育部第八届高等学校科学研究优秀成果奖(人文社会科学)二等奖, 斯普林格.自然2024"中国新发展奖", 三度获得澳门人文社科优秀成果奖;接受新华社、中新社、光明日报等央媒专访,为相关领域十余个主要国际学术团体资深成员。
Edmund Sheng, Distinguished Professor of Shandong University; B.A. in German Studies at Peking University, M.A. and Ph.D. in Economics (political economy stream) at the University of Freiburg, Germany; taught and visited at the University of Freiburg, Germany; the University of Macau, Macao Polytechnic University, Sun Yat-sen University, Kobe University, Japan; the University of Erlangen-Nuremberg , Germany; Florida State University in the U.S.A.; and St. Petersburg Polytechnic University in Russia. He has long conducted research in the field of international political economy and urban governance, and has published more than one hundred articles in international academic journalin related fields, including 50 articles in SSCI listed journals, 12 monographs in English and German with top international academic publishers such as Springer and Palgrave MacMillan, with more than 1,900 Google Scholar citations and an H-index of 28; he was awarded the "Outstanding Achievement in Scientific Research in Higher Educational Institutions" Prize by the Ministry of Education, "China New Development Award 2024" by Springer.Nature and "Macau Humanities and Social Science Outstanding Research Award" by Macau Foundation and China Social Sciences Press; He is a member of major international academic associations in related fields such as APSA, BISA, RSA and UAA.