Shi Jingtao
Education Level:With Certificate of Graduation for Doctorate Study
Alma Mater:Shandong University
Paper Publications
- [11] 李子璇 and 史敬涛. Linear Quadratic Leader-Follower Stochastic Differential Games: Closed-Loop Solvability. Journal of Systems Science and Complexity, 36, 1373-1406, 2023.
- [12] 林静涛 and 史敬涛. A Global Maximum Principle for Controlled Fully Coupled FBSDEs with General Cost Functional. Proceedings of The 35th Chinese Control and Decision Conference, May 20-22. Yichang, China, 5621-5628, 2023.
- [13] 郑越洋 and 史敬涛. The Maximum Principle for Discounted Optimal Control of Partially Observed Forward-Backward Stochastic Systems with Jumps on Infinite Horizon. ESAIM: Control, Optimisation and Calculus of Variations, 29, Article No. 34, 2023.
- [14] 康凯欣 and 史敬涛. A Three level Stochastic Linear quadratic Stackelberg Differential Game with Asymmetric Information. Proceedings of The 35th Chinese Control and Decision Conference, May 20-22, Yichang, China, 5629-5636, 2023.
- [15] 郑越洋 and 史敬涛. The Global Maximum Principle for Progressive Optimal Control of Partially Observed Forward-Backward Stochastic Systems with Random Jumps. SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization, 61, 1063-1094, 2023.
- [16] 李子璇 and 史敬涛. Closed-Loop Solvability of Stochastic Linear-Quadratic Optimal Control Problems with Poisson Jumps. Mathematics, 10, 4062, 2022.
- [17] 郑越洋 and 史敬涛. Stackelberg Stochastic Differential Game with Asymmetric Noisy Observations. International Journal of Control, 95, 2510-2530, 2022.
- [18] 孟维君 and 史敬涛. A Linear Quadratic Stochastic Stackelberg Differential Game with Time Delay. Mathematical Control and Related Fields, 12, 581-609, 2022.
- [19] 朱诗浩 and 史敬涛. Optimal Reinsurance and Investment Strategies Under Mean-Variance Criteria: Partial and Full Information. Journal of Systems Science and Complexity, 35, 1458-1479, 2022.
- [20] 黄琪 and 史敬涛. Feedback Stackelberg-Nash Equilibrium in Linear-Quadratic Mixed-Leadership Stochastic Differential Games. Proceedings of the 41st Chinese Control Conference, July 25-27, Hefei, China, 1244-1250, 2022.