2013年博士毕业于香港科技大学数学系,2013-2021年在北京应用物理与计算数学研究所工作,2021年至今在山东大学数学学院工作,目前担任中国计算物理学会理事、美国数学会Math Review评论员。具有多年从事辐射流体力学大型程序研制与算法研究的工作经验,主持或参与国家专项重大课题、国家自然科学基金重大研究计划集成项目、面上项目、国防科学挑战计划等多项科研项目,撰写完成十几篇专项归档报告与国防科技报告等。
Mathematics Genealogy Project
1. Shi Yi and Gao Min. An asymptotic preserving unified gas kinetic particle method for a three-temperature radiative transfer model. Physics of Fluids, 2025.
2. Shi Yi and Yong Heng. A maximum-principle preserving implicit Monte Carlo method for a three-temperature radiative transfer model. Journal of Scientific Computing, 2025.
3. Shi Yi. A modified phase field method for the simulation of two-phase system in complex geometries. Physics of Fluids, 36, 2024.
4. Song Junpeng , Wu Qiuqin and Shi Yi. A mass-conservative reduced-order algorithm in solving optimal control of convection diffusion equation. Journal of Scientific Computing, 100 (65), 2024.
5. Shi Yi and Gao Min. A modified implicit Monte Carlo method for frequency-dependent three temperature radiative transfer equations. Nuclear Science and Engineering, 2363089, 2024.
6. Shi Yi and Xie Hui. A predictor-corrector Monte Carlo method for thermal radiative transfer equations. Annals of Nuclear Energy, 110252, 2024.
7. Shi Yi. A maximum principle preserving implicit Monte Carlo method for frequency-dependent radiative transfer equations. Journal of Computational Physics, 112552, 2023.
8. Shi Yi. A new phase field method for the simulation of wetting on rough surfaces. Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems-B, 2023163, 2023.
9. Shi Yi , Song Peng and Xiong Tao. An efficient asymptotic preserving Monte Carlo method for radiative transfer equations. Journal of Computational Physics, 112483, 2023.
10. Du Bao , Kang Dongguo , Liu Chang and Shi Yi. Monte Carlo simulations of charged particle transport in plasmas: A fast single-scattering model. Physics of Plasmas, 30, 2023.
11. Zhang Xiaojiang , Song Peng , Shi Yi and Tang Min. A fully asymptotic preserving decomposed multi-group method for the frequency-dependent radiative transfer equations. Journal of Computational Physics, 491, 2023.
12. Xiong Tao , Sun Wenjun , Shi Yi and Song Peng. High order asymptotic preserving discontinuous Galerkin methods for gray radiative transfer equations. Journal of Computational Physics, 463, 2022.
13. Shi Yi , Sun Wenjun , Li Lingxiao and Song Peng. An improved unified gas kinetic particle method for radiative transfer equations. Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer, 261, 2021.
14. 李凌霄 , 翟传磊 , 谢辉 and 施意. 一种求解三维热辐射输运方程的整体预处理迭代方法及并行计算. 计算物理, 38, 269-279, 2021.
15. Shi Yi , Han Xiaole , Sun Wenjun and Song Peng. A continuous source tilting scheme for radiative transfer equations in implicit Monte Carlo. Journal of Computational and Theoretical Transport, 50, 1-26, 2021.
16. Shi Yi , Song Peng and Sun Wenjun. An asymptotic preserving unified gas kinetic particle method for radiative transfer equations. Journal of Computational Physics, 420, 2020.
17. Shi Yi. A phase field method for the numerical simulation of rigid particulate in two-phase flows. Fluid Dynamics Research, 52, 2020.
18. Shi Yi , Li Shuanggui , Yong Heng and Song Peng. An essentially implicit Monte Carlo method for radiative transfer equations. Journal of Computational and Theoretical Transport, 48, 180-199, 2019.
19. Shi Yi , Yong Heng , Zhai Chuanlei , Qi Jin and Song Peng. A functional expansion tally method for gray radiative transfer equations in implicit Monte Carlo. Journal of Computational and Theoretical Transport, 47, 581-598, 2018.
20. 施意. 不同密度与粘性的多相流移动接触线问题的自适应有限元方法. 数值计算与计算机应用, 36, 297-309, 2015.
21. Shi Yi and Wang Xiao-Ping. Wetting and spreading of drops on rough surfaces. Proceedings of ICCM, 37, 565-584, 2015.
22. 宋鹏 , 翟传磊 , 李双贵 , 施意 and 朱少平. 激光间接驱动惯性约束聚变二维总体程序-LARED集成程序. 强激光与粒子束, 27, 2015.
23. Shi Yi and Wang Xiao-Ping. Modeling and simulation of dynamics of three-component flows on solid surface. Japan Journal of Industrial and Applied Mathematics, 31, 611-631, 2014.
24. Shi Yi , Bao Kai and Wang Xiao-Ping. 3D adaptive finite element method for a phase field model for moving contact line problems. Inverse Problems and Imaging, 7, 947-959, 2013.
25. Bao Kai , Shi Yi , Sun Shuyu and Wang Xiao-Ping. A finite element method for the numerical solution of the coupled Cahn-Hilliard and Navier-Stokes system for moving contact line problems. Journal of Computational Physics, 231, 8083-8099, 2012.
1. 国家自然科学基金面上项目, 2024/09/01-2028/12/31, 主持
2. 山东省自然科学基金面上项目, 2024/09/24-2027/12/31, 主持
3. 计算物理国防重点实验室基础研究课题, 2023/10/01-2026/10/01, 主持
4. 国家自然科学基金青年项目, 2021/01/01-2023/12/31, 主持
5. 中国工程物理研究院创新发展基金项目, 2020/01/01-2022/12/30, 参与
6. 国防基础科研核科学挑战专题项目, 2018/05/01-2020/12/31, 参与
7. 国家自然科学基金重大研究计划集成项目, 2017/01/01-2020/01/01, 参与
1. 中国工程物理研究院超算应用技术创新奖
2. 北京应用物理与计算数学研究所青年科技报告优秀报告奖
3. 香港科技大学全额奖学金
4. 山东大学山东省优秀毕业生
5. 全国奥林匹克数学竞赛山东省一等奖
1. 计算方法
2. 数学物理方法
3. 现代数学选讲