Paper Publications
- [161] zhanghongbo , guanyanhua and songxiuguang. 既有双曲拱桥病害类型及加固技术研究. 湖南交通科技, 1, 126, 2009.
- [162] songxiuguang. 土工隔栅与土界面作用特性的试验研究. 《建筑科学》, 1, 28, 2009.
- [163] zhanghongbo and songxiuguang. Research on digital subgrade settlement device and performance testing. ICTIS 2011: Multimodal Approach to Sustained Transportation System Development - Information, Technology, Implementation - Proceedings of the 1st Int. Conf. on Transportation Information and Safety, 0, 615, 2011.
- [164] zhanghongbo and songxiuguang. Design of Automatic Monitoring System for Dam Seepage. Proceedings of the 1st International Conference Shanghai, 0, 152, 2010.
- [165] zhanghongbo and songxiuguang. Design and application of automatic monitoring system in side slope. Advanced Materials research, 243-249, 2613, 2011.