所属院部: 外国语学院
  • 教师英文名称:
    Su Sunny
  • 教师拼音名称:
    Su Yonggang
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2018-09-30    山东省高等学校科学技术奖:本科高校类 三等奖 (2018BK30120);
2014-12-31    山东省高等学校优秀科研成果奖:人文社科一等奖 (2014BR10015);

苏永刚,男,山东新泰人,博士,山东大学教授,外国语学院副院长,应用语言学、人文医学、护理心理学博士生导师。研究领域为应用语言学、人文医学、跨文化交际等,主要从事会话分析、健康养老、临终关怀等研究。兼任世界卫生组织脆弱关怀合作中心副主任、UCB国际健康伦理与健康法学研究院专家指导委员会委员、中国伦理学会健康伦理研究会常务理事、山东省国外语言学学会大学外语教育专委会会长,医学语言与文化专业委员会副会长、山东省医学伦理学学会副会长,医患沟通研究分会副会长兼秘书长、济南心理卫生协会话语心理治疗专业委员会副主委、中国医学伦理学杂志第一届、第二届青年编委,Health and Quality of Life Outcomes、Archives of Gerontology and Geriatrics、Psychology、Health & Medicine、Archives of Psychiatric Nursing、Journal of Psychiatric and Mental Health Nursing、The Spanish Journal of Psychology、BMJ Open、International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health、Psychology, Health & Medicine、PLOS ONE等十几家SSCI/SCI国际期刊的编委或审稿人。主持国家级、省部级项目十余项,其他级别项目30余项,发表SSCI/SCI论文及其他论文70余篇,出版著作2部,主编、副主编教材6部,译著十余部,获山东省高校优秀科研成果一等奖。

  • 2008-9 — 2013-6
  • 1992-9 — 2007-6
  • 1992-9 — 1996-7
  • 2000-9-至今
  • 1996-7 — 2000-9



1.  . Limitation on activities of daily living, depressive symptoms and suicidal ideation among nursing home residents: The moderating role of resilience.  GERIATRIC NURSING,  41,  2020. 

2.  张丹. Role of resilience and social support in the relationship between loneliness and suicidal ideation among Chinese nursing home residents.  Aging & Mental Health ,  25,  2021. 

3.  . Exploring life and help-seeking experiences regarding suicidal ideations among nursing home residents.  GERIATRIC NURSING,  2022. 

4.  杨同卫. 论"拒红包协议"对医患心理契约的调节作斥-患者角度的考察.  《山东社会科学》,  189-192, 2015. 

5.  苏永刚. Comparative Study of Hospice Care Models between UK and China.  898-901, 2011. 

6.  孔建. 集团客户授信与相关信贷风险研究.  集团经济研究,  21-22, 2005. 

7.  马娉. 中国临终关怀困境及立体化人文关怀模式研究进展.  齐鲁护理杂志,  19,  44-46, 2013. 

8.  李保杰. 《荒原》之神话原型分析.  时代文学,  109-110, 2008. 

9.  苏永刚. 尼洛·克鲁兹的戏剧创作和古巴裔美国文学.  外国文学,  0,  31-40, 2016. 

10.  刘玉琪. How dignity-related distress interacts with quality of life in young adult patients with cancer during the active treatment stage: A network analysis.  psychooncology,  31,  1564-1571, 2022. 

11.  张丹. 基于社会参照论的老年人自杀意念相关的心理落差质性研究.  四川精神卫生,  35,  349-353, 2022. 

12.  刘福燕. 化疗期青年癌症患者心理痛苦现状及对其生活质量的影响.  护理学,  11,  184-191, 2022. 

13.  田一农. Weaving rapport: doctors' strategies towards patients' noncompliance.  BMC Health Services Research,  23,  2023. 

14.  刘玉琪. How dignity-related distress interact with quality of life in young adult patients with cancer during the active treatment stage: A network analysis..  psychooncology,  31,  1564-1571, 2022. 

15.  田一农. Weaving rapport: doctors' strategies towards patients' noncompliance.  BMC Health Services Research,  2023. 

16.  刘玉琪. Physical disability, low self-esteem, and suicidal ideation among Chinese nursing home residents: the moderating role of resilience.  AGING & MENTAL HEALTH,  27,  263, 2023. 

17.  张丹. Effectiveness of a resilience-targeted intervention based on “I have, I am, I can” strategy on nursing home older adults' suicidal ideation: A randomized controlled trial.  Journal of Affective Disorders,  308,  172-180, 2022. 

18.  马文. 新医科背景下语言康复国际化人才培养模式探索与实践.  中国外语,  2023. 

19.  刘玉琪. How dignity‐related distress interacts with quality of life in young adult patients with cancer during the active treatment stage: A network analysis.  psychooncology,  1564, 2022. 

20.  杨同卫. 大龄单身女性生育力保存的伦理学研究.  医学与哲学(人文社会医学版),  2022. 

21.  杨同卫. “孝当知医”说及其伦理价值.  中国医学人文,  2022. 

22.  苏永刚. 学生学习档案在大学英语教学中的应用.  13,  135-136, 2007. 

23.  李保杰. Historical Writing in Cristina Garcia's Dreaming in Cuban.  FOREIGN LITERATURE STUDIES,  30,  104-110, 2008. 

24.  苏永刚. Effectiveness of a resilience-targeted intervention based on “I have, I am, I can”strategy on nursing home older adults' suicidal ideation: A randomized controlled trial.  Journal of Affective Disorders,  172, 2022. 

25.  苏永刚. Exploring life and help-seeking experiences regarding suicidal ideations among nursing home residents.  Geriatric Nursing,  69, 2022. 

26.  苏永刚. Physical disability, low self-esteem, and suicidal ideation among Chinese nursing home residents: the moderating role of resilience.  AGING & MENTAL HEALTH,  2022. 

27.  杨同卫. 健康中国视域下老年人群自杀影响因素 及预防对策研究进展.  山东大学学报医学版,  42, 2021. 

28.  赵霞. Death anxiety, self-esteem, and health-related quality of life among geriatric caregivers during the COVID-19 pandemic.  PSYCHOGERIATRICS,  22,  236, 2022. 

29.  苏永刚. Social support moderates suicidal ideation among Chinese nursing home residents with limited activities of daily living and loneliness.  Archives of Psychiatric Nursing,  638, 2021. 

30.  杨同卫. 论医学人工智能的基本特征及其实践中的基本理念.  《医学与哲学》,  2021. 

31.  Zhao, Sibo. Reliability and Validity of the Chinese General Social Capital Scale and Its Effect on Physical Disease and Psychological Distress among Chinese Medical Professionals.  INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH AND PUBLIC HEALTH,  18,  2021. 

32.  成诚. Attributions, future time perspective and career maturity in nursing undergraduates: correlational study design.  BMC Medical Education,  16,  2016. 

33.  杨阳. How Loneliness Worked on Suicidal Ideation among Chinese Nursing Home Residents: Roles of Depressive Symptoms and Resilience.  INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH AND PUBLIC HEALTH,  18,  2021. 

34.  杨阳. The protective effect of self-esteem on suicidal ideation among nursing home residents with limited social support in China: A cross-sectional study.  Nursing Open,  2021. 

35.  苏永刚. How Loneliness Worked on Suicidal Ideation among Chinese Nursing Home Residents: Roles of Depressive Symptoms and Resilience.  International journal of environmental research and public health,  18,  1, 2021. 

36.  王睿. Limitation on activities of daily living, depressive symptoms and suicidal ideation among nursing home residents: The moderating role of resilience.  Geriatric Nursing,  41,  622, 2020. 

37.  张丹. The moderating effect of social support on the relationship between physical health and suicidal thoughts among Chinese rural elderly: A nursing home sample.  International Journal of Mental Health Nursing,  27,  1371, 2018. 

38.  苏永刚. 从国学通识课程看儒家思想在留学生中的传播.  国学,  2020. 

39.  张丹. Role of resilience and social support in the relationship between loneliness and suicidal ideation among Chinese nursing home residents.  AGING & MENTAL HEALTH,  2020. 

40.  苏永刚  and 杨同卫. 论城镇化过程中乡村记忆的保护与保存.  山东社会科学,  68, 2014. 

41.  苏永刚  and 李保杰. 后现代主义视角下的当代奇卡诺文学.  东北师范大学学报(哲学社会科学版),  2012. 

42.  赵霞. Loneliness and depression symptoms among the elderly in nursing homes: A moderated mediation model of resilience and social support.  Psychiatry Research,  268,  143, 2018. 

43.  贾继辉  and 谢晖. Social Support as a Mediator of Physical Disability and Depressive Symptoms in Chinese Elderly.  Archives of Psychiatric Nursing,  32,  256, 2018. 

44.  吴梦莲. Association between social support and health-related quality of life among Chinese rural elders in nursing homes: the mediating role of resilience.  quality of life research,  27,  783, 2018. 

45.  苏永刚. Limitation on activities of daily living, depressive symptoms and suicidal ideation among nursing home residents: The moderating role of resilience.  Geriatric Nursing,  2020. 

46.  苏永刚. Depressive symptoms mediate the association between insomnia symptoms and health-related quality of life and synergistically interact with insomnia symptoms in older adults in nursing homes.  PSYCHOGERIATRICS,  19,  2019. 

47.  苏永刚. “健康中国”视域下的临终关怀.  中国医学伦理学,  2019. 

48.  曹枫林 , 苏永刚 , 娄凤兰  and 张雪琨. Suicidal Ideation and Psychological Strain Among Patients Diagnosed With Stomach Cancer The Mediation of Psychopathological Factors.  Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease,  205,  55, 2017. 

49.  张红静  and 苏永刚. 文化适应压力量表中文版的修订.  山东大学学报( 医学版),  53,  89, 2015. 

50.  苏永刚  and 黄兰兰. Discussion on computer and network based foreign language teaching .  WIT Transactions on Engineering Science,  86,  734, 2014. 

51.  范秀珍  and 苏永刚. Attributions, future time perspective and career maturity in nursing undergraduates: correlational study design.  BMC Medical Education,  16,  26, 2016. 

52.  贾继辉 , 苏永刚 , 王克芳  and 张丹. The moderating effect of social support on the relationship between physical health and suicidal thoughts among Chinese rural elderly: A nursing home sample.  International Journal of Mental Health Nursing,  2018. 

53.  苏永刚  and 李保杰. 真实与“谎言”:评《记忆的饥渴》.  《作家》,  59, 2008. 

54.  王克芳 , 贾继辉 , 苏永刚  and 张丹. Characteristics of the Chinese rural elderly living in nursing homes who have suicidal ideation: A multiple regression model.  Geriatric Nursing,  38,  42, 2017. 

55.  杨同卫  and 苏永刚. 论城镇化过程中乡村记忆的保护与保存.  山东社会科学,  68, 2014. 

56.  贾继辉 , 苏永刚  and 孙瑶瑶. Social Support Moderates the Effects of Self-esteem and Depression on Quality of Life Among Chinese Rural Elderly in Nursing Homes.  Archives of Psychiatric Nursing,  31,  19, 2017. 

57.  苏永刚. Social Support Moderates the Effects of Self-esteem and Depression on Quality of Life Among Chinese Rural Elderly in Nursing Homes.  Archives of Psychiatric Nursing,  31,  197, 2016. 

58.  苏永刚  and 李保杰. 尼洛·科鲁兹的戏剧创作和古巴裔美国文学.  《外国文学》,  262,  31, 2016. 

59.  苏永刚  and 黄兰兰. Discussion on computer and network based foreign language teaching.  WIT Transactions on Engineering Science,  86,  734, 2014. 

60.  吕艾芹 , 曹永福 , 苏永刚 , 沈秀芹 Conscientiousness and Organizational Citizenship Behavior: The Mediating Role of Organizational Justice .  SOCIAL BEHAVIOR ANDPERSONALITY,  40,  1293, 2012. 

61.  李保杰  and 苏永刚. 后现代主义视角下的当代奇卡诺文学.  东北师范大学学报(哲学社会科学版),  2012. 

62.  苏永刚  and 范秀珍. Attributions, future time perspective and career maturity in nursing undergraduates: correlational study design.  BMC Medical Education,  16,  26, 2016. 

63.  吕艾芹 , 沈秀芹 , 曹永福 , 苏永刚 口腔临床医疗实践中知情同意的实现.  医学与哲学(临床决策版),  32,  75, 2011. 

64.  苏永刚. Comparative Study of Hospice Models Between UK and China.  Education Science and Management Engineering,  0,  1557, 2011. 

65.  苏永刚  and 范秀珍. Attributions, future time perspective and career maturity in nursing undergraduates: correlational study design.  BMC Medical Education,  16,  16, 2016. 

66.  苏永刚. Comparative Study of Hospice Models Between UK and China .  Education Science and Management Engineering,  1557, 2011. 

67.  杨同卫  and 苏永刚. 论“拒红包协议”对医患心理契约的调节作用——患者角度的考察.  山东社会科学,  2015. 

68.  苏永刚  and 张红静. 文化适应压力量表中文版的修订.  山东大学学报( 医学版),  53,  89, 2015. 

69.  苏永刚. Quality of life in Chinese family caregivers for elderly people with chronic diseases.  Health & Quality of Life Outcomes,  14,  2016. 

70.  苏永刚  and 吕艾芹. 中国人口老龄化问题和健康养老模式分析.  山东社会科学,  212,  42, 2013. 

71.  刘荔  and 苏永刚. 浅析科技英语中倍数增减的译法.  青年文学家,  2009. 

72.  苏永刚. 英国临终关怀现状分析及对中国的启示.  山东社会科学,  198,  48, 2012. 

73.  苏永刚. 后现代主义视角下的当代奇卡诺文学.  东北师范大学学报,  255,  122, 2012. 

74.  苏永刚  and 杨同卫. 患者对于医生之信任产生的机理:关系依赖与理性选择.  《医学与哲学》,  2012. 

75.  苏永刚  and 李保杰. 古巴移民文学和古巴裔美国文学中的流亡主题:源流和嬗变.  山东大学学报(哲学社会科学版),  060,  147, 2017. 

76.  封丹珺  and 苏永刚. Job satisfaction mediates subjective social status and turnover intention among Chinese nurses.  NURSING & HEALTH SCIENCES,  19,  38, 2017. 

77.  贾继辉 , 苏永刚  and 吴梦莲. Prevalence and related factors of successful aging among Chinese rural elders living in nursing homes.  European Journal of Ageing,  14,  41, 2017. 

78.  苏永刚  and 杨同卫. 论城镇化过程中乡村记忆的保护与保存.  山东社会科学,  68, 2014. 

79.  苏永刚  and 黄兰兰. Discussion on computer and network based foreign language teaching.  86,  734, 2014. 

80.  苏永刚  and 李保杰. 后现代主义视角下的当代奇卡诺文学.  东北师范大学学报(哲学社会科学版),  2012. 

81.  苏永刚  and 范秀珍. Attributions, future time perspective and career maturity in nursing undergraduates: correlational study design.  BMC Medical Education,  16,  26, 2016. 

82.  吕艾芹. 口腔临床医疗实践中知情同意的实现.  医学与哲学(临床决策版),  32,  75, 2011. 

83.  苏永刚  and 杨同卫. 论“拒红包协议”对医患心理契约的调节作用——患者角度的考察.  山东社会科学,  2015. 

84.  苏永刚  and 张红静. 文化适应压力量表中文版的修订.  山东大学学报( 医学版),  53,  89, 2015. 

85.  王克芳 , 贾继辉 , 苏永刚  and 张丹. Characteristics of the Chinese rural elderly living in nursing homes who have suicidal ideation: A multiple regression model.  Geriatric Nursing,  38,  42, 2017. 

86.  贾继辉 , 苏永刚  and 孙瑶瑶. Social Support Moderates the Effects of Self-esteem and Depression on Quality of Life Among Chinese Rural Elderly in Nursing Homes.  Archives of Psychiatric Nursing,  31,  19, 2017. 

87.  贾继辉 , 苏永刚  and 吴梦莲. Prevalence and related factors of successful aging among Chinese rural elders living in nursing homes.  European Journal of Ageing,  14,  41, 2017. 

88.  苏永刚  and 封丹珺. Job satisfaction mediates subjective social status and turnover intention among Chinese nurses.  NURSING & HEALTH SCIENCES,  19,  38, 2017. 

89.  吕艾芹. 口腔临床医疗实践中知情同意的实现.  医学与哲学(临床决策版),  32,  75, 2011. 

90.  苏永刚  and 范秀珍. Attributions, future time perspective and career maturity in nursing undergraduates: correlational study design.  BMC Medical Education,  16,  26, 2016. 

91.  苏永刚  and 张红静. 文化适应压力量表中文版的修订.  山东大学学报( 医学版),  53,  89, 2015. 

92.  沈秀芹  and 吕艾芹. Conscientiousness and Organizational Citizenship Behavior: The Mediating Role of Organizational Justice .  SOCIAL BEHAVIOR ANDPERSONALITY,  40,  1293, 2012. 

93.  苏永刚  and 黄兰兰. Discussion on computer and network based foreign language teaching .  86,  734, 2014. 

94.  苏永刚  and 杨同卫. 论“拒红包协议”对医患心理契约的调节作用——患者角度的考察.  山东社会科学,  2015. 

95.  苏永刚  and 杨同卫. 论城镇化过程中乡村记忆的保护与保存.  山东社会科学,  68, 2014. 

96.  苏永刚  and 李保杰. 后现代主义视角下的当代奇卡诺文学.  东北师范大学学报(哲学社会科学版),  2012. 

97.  范秀珍  and 苏永刚. Attributions, future time perspective and career maturity in nursing undergraduates: correlational study design.  BMC Medical Education,  16,  16, 2016. 

98.  苏永刚. Quality of life in Chinese family caregivers for elderly people with chronic diseases.  Health & Quality of Life Outcomes,  14,  2016. 

99.  李保杰  and 苏永刚. 尼洛·科鲁兹的戏剧创作和古巴裔美国文学.  《外国文学》,  262,  31, 2016. 

100.  苏永刚. Comparative Study of Hospice Models Between UK and China .  Education Science and Management Engineering,  1557, 2011. 

101.  吕艾芹  and 苏永刚. 中国人口老龄化问题和健康养老模式分析.  山东社会科学,  212,  42, 2013. 

102.  杨同卫  and 苏永刚. 患者对于医生之信任产生的机理:关系依赖与理性选择.  《医学与哲学》,  2012. 

103.  李保杰  and 苏永刚. 真实与“谎言”:评《记忆的饥渴》.  《作家》,  59, 2008. 

104.  刘荔  and 苏永刚. 浅析科技英语中倍数增减的译法.  青年文学家,  2009. 

105.  苏永刚. 英国临终关怀现状分析及对中国的启示.  山东社会科学,  198,  48, 2012. 

106.  苏永刚. Comparative Study of Hospice Models Between UK and China.  Education Science and Management Engineering,  0,  1557, 2011. 

107.  贾继辉 , 苏永刚 , 王克芳  and 张丹. The moderating effect of social support on the relationship between physical health and suicidal thoughts among Chinese rural elderly: A nursing home sample.  International Journal of Mental Health Nursing,  2018. 

108.  李保杰  and 苏永刚. 古巴移民文学和古巴裔美国文学中的流亡主题:源流和嬗变.  山东大学学报(哲学社会科学版),  060,  147, 2017. 


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10. 面向人工智能的老年人语言产出、理解及障碍干预的临床语言学研究, 2019/09/17-2022/09/17

11. 中国护患沟通研究 , 2019/01/01-2022/01/01

12. 设备说明书及商贸翻译服务, 2019/05/22-2023/05/31

13. 医务人员压力管理的纵向研究, 2012/06/29-2013/12/31

14. 通识教育理念下的大学英语课程体系建设, 2012/11/19-2014/12/31

15. 大学英语项目驱动教学中教师角色研究, 2012/06/29-2013/06/30

16. 19世纪海上丝绸之路与华工海外流散的文学叙事研究, 2017/10/26-2019/06/30

17. 当代西语裔美国文学研究, 2012/06/01-2015/02/28

18. 语境疗法与健康养老研究, 2015/06/19-2018/12/31

19. 基于语境疗法的脆弱人群健康关怀机制研究, 2014/06/01-2015/12/31

20. “语境疗法”与脆弱人群健康关怀机制研究, 2014/07/03-2017/05/01

21. “语境疗法”与生命健康机制研究, 2013/09/25-2015/12/31

22. 生命关怀与健康养老, 2013/07/20-2014/07/30

23. ESP视角下医学英语课程建设, 2013/09/03-2015/12/01

24. 中英临终关怀模式比较研究, 2009/11/18-2011/12/30

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