
Title:Associate Professor
Supervisor of Master's Candidates


Research Projects

Title of Project : 磷脂型DHA/EPA改善脂多糖所致肠道损伤的作用及其机制研究

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Project Name:磷脂型DHA/EPA改善脂多糖所致肠道损伤的作用及其机制研究

Affiliation of Participant(s):公共卫生学院

Leading Scientist:杜磊

Type of Project:基础研究

Nature of Project:纵向

Project level:地(市、州)级

Project Number:A4F26B07C160645CE053BE07C2CAD533

Date of Project Approval:2020-03-17

Scheduled completion time:2022-04-30

Date of Project Completion:2022-04-30

Date of Project Initiation:2020-04-01

Project Approval Number:LMDBKF-2019-05

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