Paper Publications
- [131] wangfen and yuanshiling. C and N stable isotope analysis of human and animal bones at the Beiqian site. SCIENCE CHINA-EARTH SCIENCES, 57, 408, 2014.
- [132] wangfen and yuanshiling. Reconstrcting the food structure of ancient coastal inhabitants from Beiqian village: Stable isotopic analysis of fossile human bone. Chinese science bulletin, 57, 2148, 2012.
- [133] wangfen , luanfengshi and songyanbo. 山东即墨市北阡遗址2007年发掘简报. 《考古》, 1, 2011.
- [134] wangfen and yuanshiling. 即墨北阡遗址人骨稳定同位素分析:沿海先民的食物结构. Chinese Science Bulletin,中国科学通报, 2012.
- [135] wangfen , tangzhongming , songyanbo and Eric. 济南市章丘区焦家新石器时代遗址. 考古, 2018.
- [136] 王芬. 湖北郧县前房遗址发掘简报. 《考古》, 54, 2010.
- [137] 王芬. Neolithic Settlement Features and Building Structure in the Haidai Region. Chinese Archaeology and Palaeoenvironemnt Ⅰ, I, 91, 2009.
- [138] 王芬. 崧泽文化聚落形态分析. 《华夏考古》, 0, 70, 2010.
- [139] 王芬. 海岱和太湖地区宗教信仰与礼制的比较分析. 《江汉考古》, 0, 44, 2010.
- [140] 王芬. 地层学在聚落考古中的运用和发展. 《中国历史文物》, 04, 21, 2010.