Paper Publications
- [11] Yuan, Chao. Characterization of ceramic from the Early Bronze Age Xinzhai site, Henan Province, China, by using a multi-analytical approach. Journal of Archaeological Science, 44, 2022.
- [12] Wu, Xiaotong. Geochemical evidence reveals a long-distance trade of white pottery in Neolithic China 5,000 years ago. Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports, 44, 2022.
- [13] 王芬. 即墨北阡遗址人骨稳定同位素分析:沿海先民的食物结构研究 被引量:1. 东方考古, 108-121, 2012.
- [14] UnderhillAnneP.. Urbanization in the eastern seaboard (Haidai) area of northern China: Perspectives from the late Neolithic site of Liangchengzhen. JOURNAL OF ANTHROPOLOGICAL ARCHAEOLOGY, 62, 2021.
- [15] Jin, GuiYun. Archaeobotanical records of Middle and Late Neolithic agriculture from Shandong Province, East China, and a major change in regional subsistence during the Dawenkou Culture. HOLOCENE, 26, 1605-1615, 2016.
- [16] Yuan, Chao. Characterization of pottery from the Neolithic Huadizui site, Henan province, China by using a multi-analytical approach. Archaeometry, 64, 357-374, 2021.
- [17] 赵永生. 海岱地区史前居民的拔牙习俗. 人类学学报, 1-11, 2021.
- [18] Lin, Minghao. Live on the land and fed by the sea: diverse subsistence economies in the Neolithic Dawenkou Period in Shandong Peninsula, China. Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences, 14, 2022.
- [19] 王芬. 之一:聆听巴人余音——开县余家坝战国墓地. 文物天地, 0, 49-51, 2003.
- [20] Yuan, Chao. Neolithic burial pottery from the Jiaojia site, China: A multi-analytical study. Archaeometry, 2022.