Paper Publications
- [61] 王芬. Characterization of ceramic from the Early Bronze Age Xinzhai site, Henan Province, China, by using a multi-analytical approach. Journal of Archaeological Science, 2022.
- [62] 王芬. 聚焦学科融合,推动考古专业建设. 山东教育 , 62, 2022.
- [63] 王芬. “2005中国·日照龙山时代与早期国家国际学术研讨会”综述. 《文史哲》(2003年第4期), 167-168, 2006.
- [64] 靳桂云. 焦家遗址大汶口文化城墙与壕沟使用过程的地学考古观察. 南方文物, 2022.
- [65] 谷雨. Evolutionary trends in human mandibles and dentition from Neolithic to current Chinese. archives of oral biology, 2022.
- [66] 赵永生. 海岱地区史前居民的拔牙习俗. 人类学学报, 2022.
- [67] 林明昊. Live on the land and fed by the sea diverse subsistence economies in the Neolithic Dawenkou Period in Shandong Peninsula, China. Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences, 2022.
- [68] 宋艳波. 济南张马屯遗址出土动物遗存研究. 东方考古 科学出版社,
- [69] 任慧颖. Mandibular molar C-shaped root canals in 5th millennium BC China. Archives of Oral Biology, 177, 2020.
- [70] 赵永生. 人类骨骼考古中的行为重建. 东南文化, 2021.