Paper Publications
- [81] 赵永生. 大连王宝山积石墓地出土人骨的研究. 边疆考古研究, 2017.
- [82] wangfen and 王芬. A preliminary assessment of the organization of ceramic production at Liangchengzhen, Rizhao, Shandong: Perspectives from petrography. Journal of Archaeological Science, 2018-18, 2018.
- [83] wangfen , tangzhongming , Eric and 王芬. 济南市章丘区焦家遗址2016-2017聚落调查与发掘简报. 考古, 2019, 2019.
- [84] wangfen , songyanbo and 王芬. 济南市章丘区焦家遗址2016-2017年大型墓葬发掘简报. 考古, 2019, 2019.
- [85] wangfen , luanfengshi and 王芬. 丁公及周边遗址龙山文化白陶的岩相和化学成分分析. 考古, 2019, 2019.
- [86] wangfen and 王芬. 社会网络分析及其在考古学研究中的应用. 东南文化, 2019.
- [87] wangfen and 王芬. 重庆市开州铺溪四组汉代墓葬发掘简报. 考古与文物, 2019.
- [88] yuanshiling and wangfen. C and N stable isotope analysis of human and animal bones at the Beiqian site. SCIENCE CHINA-EARTH SCIENCES, 57, 408, 2014.
- [89] yuanshiling and wangfen. Reconstrcting the food structure of ancient coastal inhabitants from Beiqian village: Stable isotopic analysis of fossile human bone. Chinese science bulletin, 57, 2148, 2012.
- [90] songyanbo , wangfen and luanfengshi. 山东即墨市北阡遗址2007年发掘简报. 《考古》, 1, 2011.