个人主页 http://faculty.sdu.edu.cn/wangjianhong/zh_CN/index.htm
上一条: 王剣宏, 田中 弘等(2017). RC覆工セグメントの非線形に関する実験的研究. 第九回日中シールド技術交流会, 札幌., 242-250. - Wang J. H,Tanaka H.,Sugiyama H. , Iida K., Matsumoto M. and Koizumi A. (2017). Experimental Study on Bending Nonlinearities of Reinforced Concrete Segment. Proceedings of the 9th Japan-China Conference on Shield-driven Tunneling in 2017/ SAPPORO, Japan© 2017, Sanwa Tokyo, ISBN978-4-9909712-1-2.
下一条: J.H. Wang, M. Nakano, et al.(2016). Performance evaluation of reinforced concrete tunnel suffering chloride attack. The Fifth International Symposium on Life -Cycle Civil Engineering, IALCCE2016, Deft. ( Life-Cycle of Engineering Systems: Emphasis on Sustainable Civil Infrastructure – Bakker, Frangopol & van Breugel (Eds)© 2017 Taylor & Francis Group, London, ISBN 978-1-138-02847-0.