个人主页 http://faculty.sdu.edu.cn/wangjianhong/zh_CN/index.htm
上一条: Wang J.H., Nakano M.et al. (2013). Buckling of encased liner under external pressure and the effects of voids in backfilling grout. [Shell Structures- Theory and Application], Vol. 3, 259-262, CRC Press. ISBN: 9781138000 827
下一条: 王 剣宏, 田中 弘, 杉山 仁實,小泉 淳. (2013).日本の大深度地下利用における土木技術-シ-ルドトンネルの建設-.第七回中日シールド技術交流会論文集, 西安, 356 -365, 人民交通出版社出版社. ISBN: 9787114108860.-Wang J. H,Tanaka H.,Sugiyama H. and Koizumi A. (2013).Advancing technologies for utilization of deep underground space in Japan-Shield tunnel construction– Proceedings of the 7th China-Japan Conference on Shield-driven Tunneling, Xian, 356-365, China Communication Press. ISBN: 9787114108860.