个人主页 http://faculty.sdu.edu.cn/wangjianhong/zh_CN/index.htm
上一条: Wang J.H., Nakano M., Tanaka H. and Koizumi A. (2014). A framework for maintenance of shield tunnels with secondary linings using strength and life-cycle cost as indicators. Proceedings of Fourth International Symposium on Life-Cycle Civil Engineering - IALCCE 2014, Tokyo, Japan. [Life-Cycle of Structural Systems: Design, Assessment, Maintenance and Management], 662-669, CRC Press/ Balkema, ISBN: 9781138001206.
下一条: 王 剣宏,小泉 淳,渡辺 淳.(2006). 大深度地下補剛リブがある水道鋼管の外圧による座屈挙動とその座屈設計方法に関する一考察.トンネル工学論文集,Vol.16,133-143- Wang J. H., Koizumi A., & Watanabe A. (2006).A study on the buckling behavior and design of ring-stiffened pipes under external pressure for water pipeline constructed in deep underground, J. Tunnel Engineering, JSCE, Vol.16, 133-143.