
Supervisor of Doctorate Candidates
Supervisor of Master's Candidates


Research Projects

Title of Project : 高稳定镍铁硒化物基异质结电解水催化剂的跨尺度调控与机制研究

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Project Name:高稳定镍铁硒化物基异质结电解水催化剂的跨尺度调控与机制研究

Affiliation of Participant(s):晶体材料研究院

Leading Scientist:王建军

Supported by:2022年国自然项目

Nature of Project:纵向

Project level:National

Project Number:EB4FF9EB1DED3C66E053BE07C2CA925B

Date of Project Approval:2022-09-07

Scheduled completion time:2026-12-31

Date of Project Completion:2026-12-31

Date of Project Initiation:2023-01-01

Project Approval Number:22279075

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