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ParC, a New Partitioning Protein, Is Necessary for the Active Form of ParA From Myxococcus pMF1 Plasmid


Affiliation of Author(s):微生物技术研究院

Journal:Frontiers in Microbiology

First Author:盛多红

Indexed by:Unit Twenty Basic Research

Document Code:8553763B9BFE40F38D048DB64F2751C7


Translation or Not:no

Date of Publication:2021-01-15

Pre One:Interfacial Super-Assembled Porous CeO2/C Frameworks Featuring Efficient and Sensitive Decomposing Li2O2 for Smart Li-O-2 Batteries

Next One:Interfacial Super-Assembled Porous CeO2/C Frameworks Featuring Efficient and Sensitive Decomposing Li2O2 for Smart Li-O2 Batteries