Numerical and experimental study of a novel compact micro fluidized beds reactor for CO2 capture in HVAC

Release time:2018-10-06|Hits:

Affiliation of Author(s):School of Control Science and Engineering

Teaching and Research Group:Injection theory and application laboratry

Journal:Energy and Buildings

Place of Publication:Netherlands

Key Words:CO2; Adsorption; HVAC; Fluidized bed

Abstract:In order to reduce the pressure drop and increase the adsorption performance for the CO2 capture using solid adsorbents in Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning (HVAC), a novel Compact Micro Fluidized Beds (CMFB) reactor was proposed. First, the pressure drop and adsorbent attrition of the CMFB reactor were calculated by Eulerian-Lagrangian Computational Particle-Fluid Dynamics (CPFD) modelling with Barracuda software and compared with traditional Fluidized Bed (FB) reactor. Second, a CMFB experimental platform was designed based on the CPFD model.

First Author:李晓飞

Indexed by:Journal paper

Correspondence Author:Lei Wang,贾磊


First-Level Discipline:Control Science and Engineering

Document Type:J


Page Number:128-136

ISSN No.:0378-7788

Translation or Not:no

Date of Publication:2016-11-18

Included Journals:SCI