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Collection and charging characteristics of particles in an electrostatic precipitator with a wet membrane collecting electrode (vol 83, pg 28, 2016)


Affiliation of Author(s):环境科学与工程学院

Journal:Journal of Electrostatics

All the Authors:changjingcai,wangpeng,machunyuan

First Author:wangxiang,王翔

Indexed by:Unit Twenty Basic Research

Document Code:2B4C68BD5A5248FA8D36EB9483EB93DF


Page Number:52

Translation or Not:no

Date of Publication:2018-06-01

Pre One:静电场中阳极液膜热湿传递烟气调质效应

Next One:Electrical characteristics of electrostatic precipitator with a wet membrane-based collecting electrode (vol 80, pg 85, 2016)