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- [41] 王箐. Prevalence of mental disorders in 21st century Shandong Province, China: A ten-year comparative study. Journal of Affective Disorders, 2021.
- [42] 王箐. Sleep quality as a mediator of the association between coping styles and mental health: a population-based ten-year comparative study in a Chinese population.. Journal of Affective Disorders, 2021.
- [43] 于媛媛. Identification and Estimation of Causal Effects Using a Negative-Control Exposure in Time-Series Studies With Applications to Environmental Epidemiology. AMERICAN JOURNAL OF EPIDEMIOLOGY, 2020.
- [44] 刘璐. A novel method for controlling unobserved confounding using double confounders. BMC MEDICAL RESEARCH METHODOLOGY, 20, 2020.
- [45] 王箐. Changes in blood pressure during the transition of retirement: the role of physical activity in China. JOURNAL OF HUMAN HYPERTENSION, 34, 536, 2020.
- [46] 王箐. “新冠肺炎”疫情对中国股市价格波动的短期影响. 经济与管理评论, 2020.
- [47] 王箐. Association of Childhood Intrafamilial Aggression and Childhood Peer Bullying With Adult Depressive Symptoms in China. JAMA Network Open, 2020.
- [48] 王箐. Evidence linking air pollution and blood pressure mediated by body weight in China. AIR QUALITY ATMOSPHERE AND HEALTH, 13, 585, 2020.
- [49] 王箐. Household heating associated with disability in activities of daily living among Chinese middle-aged and elderly: a longitudinal study. ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH AND PREVENTIVE MEDICINE, 2020.
- [50] 赵琳. Distribution of Haemaphysalis longicornis and associated pathogens: analysis of pooled data from a China field survey and global published data. The Lancet. Planetary health, 4, 2020.
- [51] 王箐. Evidence linking air pollution and blood pressure mediated by body weight in China. AIR QUALITY ATMOSPHERE AND HEALTH, 13, 2020.
- [52] 王箐. Extreme temperature and mortality: evidence from China. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF BIOMETEOROLOGY, 2019.
- [53] 王箐. Childhood socioeconomic circumstances, social status, and health in older age: Are they related in China?. ADVANCES IN LIFE COURSE RESEARCH, 42, 2019.
- [54] 王箐. Extreme temperature and mortality: evidence from China. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF BIOMETEOROLOGY, 2019.
- [55] 王箐. Parents' son preference, childhood adverse experience and mental health in old age: Evidence from China. Child Abuse & Neglect, 2019.
- [56] 王箐. Changes in Smoking Behaviors following Exposure to Health Shocks in China. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 2018.
- [57] 王箐. Economic growth and mental health in 21st century China. SOCIAL SCIENCE & MEDICINE, 2019.
- [58] 王箐. Changes in blood pressure during the transition of retirement: the role of physical activity in China.. JOURNAL OF HUMAN HYPERTENSION, 2019.
- [59] 王箐. Childhood socioeconomic circumstances, social status, and health in older age: Are they related in China?. Advances in life course research , 2019.