1. 居民时空行为特征研究
2. 应急管理大数据应用与分析
1. The influence of weather conditions on adult transit ridership in the sub-tropics. Transportation research part A: policy and practice, 125, 106-118, 2019.
2. Investigating the influence of weather on public transit passenger’s travel behaviour: Empirical findings from Brisbane, Australia. Transportation research part A: policy and practice,
3. How does the weather affect public transit ridership? A model with weather-passenger variations. Journal of transport geography,
4. How wet is too wet? Modelling the influence of weather condition on urban transit ridership. Travel Behaviour and Society,
5. Multi-scenario simulation of urban growth boundaries with an ESP-FLUS model: A case study of the Min Delta region, China. Ecological Indicators,
6. Modeling the influence of weather on transit ridership: A case study from Brisbane, Australia. Transportation Research Record,
7. Investigating the spatiotemporal dynamics of urban vitality using bicycle-sharing data. Sustainability,
8. Simulating urban growth scenarios based on ecological security pattern: A case study in Quanzhou, China. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health,
9. Central places of transit riders: A visual story of Brisbane, Australia. Regional Studies, Regional Science,
10. Unpacking the weather-transit ridership relationship using big data in Brisbane and beyond.
11. An exploratory analysis of Brisbane’s commuter travel patterns using smart card data.
1. 多源时空数据支持下天气状况对城市居民出行行为的影响研究, 在研
2. 面向中瑞典型交通场景的交通冲突技术标准化探索, 在研
3. 双循环发展新格局下黑龙江省物流产业发展潜力研究, 已结题
4. 大数据支持下公交乘客交通行为研究, 已结题
1. 中国智能交通协会科技进步二等奖
1. Big Data Applications in Geography and Planning