所属院部: 电气工程学院
  • 教师拼音名称:
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  • 在职信息:
  • 2018-9 — 2023-6
  • 2011-9 — 2014-6
  • 2007-9 — 2011-6
  • 2015-09-至今

1.  张烁. A Comprehensive Review of Multiport DC Circuit Breakers for MTdc Grid Protection.  IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics,  38,  2023. 

2.  张烁. Improved Integrated Hybrid DC Circuit Breaker for MTDC Grid Protection.  IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems II: Express Briefs,  69,  4999-5003, 2022. 

3.  魏秀燕. A single-ended protection method for flexible DC distribution grid.  IET Generation Transmission & Distribution,  2023. 

4.  曾钰. A Novel Protection and Location Scheme for Pole-to-Pole Fault in MMC-MVDC Distribution Grid.  ENERGIES,  11,  2018. 

5.  魏秀燕. Single-ended DC line protection scheme based on first peak time of current-limiting reactor voltage.  International Journal of Electrical Power and Energy Systems,  1, 2023. 

6.  魏秀燕. Single-ended DC line protection scheme based on first peak time of current-limiting reactor voltage (vol 150, 109100, 2023).  电力与能源系统国际期刊,  152,  2023. 

7.  魏秀燕. A single-ended protection method for flexible DC distribution grid.  IET Generation Transmission & Distribution,  2023. 

8.  魏秀燕. Single-ended DC line protection scheme based on first peak time of current-limiting reactor voltage.  International Journal of Electrical Power and Energy Systems,  2023. 

9.  张烁. Multiport Current-Limiting Hybrid DC Circuit Breaker for MTdc Grids.  IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics,  70,  2023. 

10.  邹贵彬. A Single-Ended Protection Independent of Line Boundary for Flexible DC Distribution Grid.  2022. 

11.  张烁. 适用于柔性直流电网的新型多端口混合式直流断路器.  《电力自动化设备》,  1-11, 2022. 

12.  邹贵彬. Frequency Domain Impedance Based Protection for Flexible DC Distribution Grid.  IEEE Access,  10,  114203, 2022. 

13.  魏秀燕. A coupling voltage based adaptive reclosing scheme for flexible DC grid.  IET Generation, Transmission and Distribution,  17,  1007, 2023. 

14.  邹贵彬. Bridge-Type Multiport Fault Current Limiter for Applications in MTdc Grids.  IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics,  2022. 

15.  邹贵彬. Multiport Hybrid DC Circuit Breaker With Reduced Fault Isolation Time and Soft Reclosing Capability.  IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics,  2022. 

16.  邹贵彬. Hybrid DC Circuit Breaker with Power Flow Control Function.  2021. 

17.  邹贵彬. Adaptive Reclosing Scheme for flexible Multi-Terminal DC Distribution Grid.  2021. 

18.  邹贵彬. Frequency-Domain Reactance Based Protection for Multi-terminal DC Distribution Grid.  2020. 

19.  邹贵彬. Multiport Hybrid DC Circuit Breaker with Reduced Fault Isolation Time.  2020. 

20.  邹贵彬. Line Protection Scheme for MMC-based Multiterminal DC Distribution Grid.  2019. 

21.  邹贵彬. 多端口直流断路器研究综述.  《中国电机工程学报》,  2021. 

22.  张烁. Combined Hybrid DC Circuit Breaker Capable of Controlling Current Flow.  IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics,  68,  11157, 2021. 

23.  张烁. Combined Hybrid DC Circuit Breaker Capable of Controlling Current Flow.  IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics,  68,  11157, 2021. 

24.  Zeng, Yu. Faulty feeder selection and segment location method for SPTG fault in radial MMC-MVDC distribution grid.  IET Generation, Transmission and Distribution,  14,  223, 2020. 

25.  邹贵彬. Diode-Bridge Multiport Hybrid DC Circuit Breaker for Multiterminal DC Grids.  IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics ,  68,  270, 2021. 

26.  邹贵彬 , 魏秀燕  and 曾钰. A novel protection and location scheme for pole-to-pole fault in MMC-MVDC distribution grid.  Energies,  27,  2018. 

27.  邹贵彬  and 魏秀燕. A non-unit line protection scheme for MMC-based multi-terminal HVDC grid.  INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ELECTRICAL POWER & ENERGY SYSTEMS,  2019. 

28.  魏秀燕  and 邹贵彬. A non-unit line protection scheme for MMC-based multi-terminal HVDC grid.  International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems,  2019. 


1. 柔性直流配电网线路快速保护研究, 2023/12/10-2025/12/31

2. 国网山东电科院2024年构网型新能源故障特征分析与高可靠性保护技术研究, 2024/05/23-2026/10/30

3. 运行场景自适应的故障处置技术-2, 2024/01/25-2026/12/31

4. 以超前谋划和机制创新为驱动力的学院科研组织管理内涵式发展探索研究, 2022/11/30-2025/10/31

5. 有源配电网多端保护算法研究, 2023/09/05-2025/12/31

6. 分布式光伏短路故障暂态特性及保护适应性研究, 2022/11/04-2024/02/04

7. 支持5G通信的有源配电网快速保护与故障自愈技术, 2023/04/14-2025/12/31

8. 新能源送出系统继电保护机理研究及虚拟测试平台研制, 2023/07/04-2025/12/31

9. 含高比例光伏的配电台区储能定容与源储一体化控制技术 , 2022/06/27-2025/01/31

10. 基于超声波的换流变压器热点温度监测系统研制, 2021/10/29-2024/05/31

11. 应用5G通信提高城市多源配网供电可靠性关键技术研究, 2021/06/27-2023/12/31

12. 基于人工智能的电缆故障波形识别技术, 2021/09/20-2022/12/31

13. 中压配电网单相接地故障柔性消弧与选线技术, 2021/06/03-2022/12/31

14. 柔性直流电网直流侧故障快速处理关键技术研究, 2020/09/18-2024/12/31

15. 面向全断路器配置的配电网分布式保护与故障处理关键技术, 2020/06/23-2022/12/31

16. 智能配电网故障快速自愈理论与实现技术研究, 2019/07/15-2022/12/31

17. 多端柔性直流电网故障限流与快速保护技术研究, 2016/08/17-2020/12/31

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