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美国NASA Tech Brief 创新发明奖;

吴锜教授山东大学海洋研究院国家特聘教授、博导、山东省海洋原位传感器工程技术协同创新中心主任,山东省“泰山学者”海外特聘专家,山东省委海洋发展委员会专家委员,中国光学工程协会海洋光学专委会理事,中国检验检测学会智能制造与重大装备检测分会副会长。作为首席科学家承担了科技部重点研发计划、山东省重大科技攻关项目及重点研发计划项目,带领研发团队创新研制了基于光电集成技术且具备原位自校准功能的全海深温盐深传感器及光学流速和硝酸盐传感器,开发出了国内外领先的计量级全海深海洋环境模拟装置,为开展深海传感器的可靠性和长期稳定性研究和评价、标定和校准提供了独特的平台。发表了学术论文60余篇,获得中国发明专利18项,美国和欧盟发明专利20项。吴教授在加拿大多伦多大学电子与计算机工程系获得博士学位,先后在加拿大北电网络公司先进技术实验室任高级科学家,从事关键光通讯器件的开创性研究,获得加拿大国家银盾奖;在加州理工学院喷气推进实验室任首席科学家;作为创始人和CEO,创立了美国首家实现硅光子集成技术产业化的企业Kotura Inc。长期从事光电集成芯片技术的研究及在海洋探测、航空航天、光通讯领域的应用,所从事的多项研究成果已成功实现了产业化并分别在国内外拥有过最大市场份额。

  • 多伦多大学
  • 多伦多大学
  • 中国科学院半导体研究所
  • 山东大学

1.  张欣雨. 632 nm FMCW激光雷达在水汽环境中测速与测距的应用.  《红外与激光工程》,  2024. 

2.  宋冉. Performance Study of Two-beam Interferometric Velocimetry for Seawater Particles Measurement.  IEEE Sensors Journal,  2024. 

3.  张欣雨. Experimental Study of Simultaneous Velocity and Distance Measurement Near Air/Sea Surface Based on 632 nm Frequency Modulated Continuous Wave Laser.  IEEE Sensors Journal,  24,  24794-24801, 2024. 

4.  苏娟. Comparison of salinity measurement based on optical refractometer and electric conductivity: a case study of urea in seawater.  IEEE Sensors Journal,  24,  1-1, 2023. 

5.  张治军. Verification of demodulation method for differential optical Doppler velocimetry data 光学多普勒差分流速仪数据解调方法验证.  《红外与激光工程》,  53,  2024. 

6.  张治军. 光学多普勒差分流速仪数据解调方法验证.  《红外与激光工程》,  53,  284-288, 2024. 

7.  张欣雨. Application of 632 nm FMCW lidar for simultaneous velocity and distance measurement in humid environment 632nm FMCW激光雷达在水汽环境中测速与测距的应用.  《红外与激光工程》,  53,  2024. 

8.  Lanting Ji , Gang Li, Cheng Zhang, Juan Su  and Chi Wu. High-Resolution and Large-Dynamic-Rangeπ-Phase-Shifted FBG Sensor by a Current Modulated Diode Laser..  IEEE Sensors Journal,  21,  27482-27488, 2021. 

9.  Xin Wang , Xiaoxue Bai, Muzi Zhang,Mengzhen Wang, Bo Yang  and Chi Wu. Optical salinity sensing based on Michaelson interferometer under water pressure up to 11,500 meters.  Ocean Engineering,  299,  117307, 2024. 

10.  Cong Zhang , Yuyang Xiao , Wenyue Gao , Yujie Fu ,Zhensong Zhou , Shiyu Chen , Juan Su ,Albert Wu  and Chi Wu. Contribution of dissolved organic matter to seawater salinity easured by optic refractometer: a case study of DOM extracted from Aoshan Bay..  Frontier in Marine Science,  10,  1142718, 2023. 

11.  Ran Song , Zhijun Zhang, Xinyu Zhang, Lili Jiang, Bingbing Li, Xianglong Hao, Guangbing Yang,Xuejun Xiong, Juan Su  and Chi Wu. Performance Study of Two-beam Interferometric Velocimetry for Seawater Particles Measurement.  IEEE sensors journal,  55,  737, 2024. 

12.  Yuyang Xiao, Shiyu Chen, Cong Zhang, Wenyue Gao, Yujie Fu, Xiaoxue Bai , Juan Su  and Chi Wu. Comparison of salinity measurement based on optical refractometer and electric conductivity: a case study of urea in seawater.  IEEE Sensors Journal,  24,  2172-2179, 2024. 

13.  Wenyue Gao , Hongye Yang, Yifei Zhang, Dexin Gao  and Chi Wu. A novel and efficient electrochemiluminescence sensing strategy for the determination of trimethylamine oxide in seafood.  Talanta,  269,  125409, 2023. 

14.  Jian Xu , Naixin Zhang, , Xingyue Zhu  and Chi Wu. Nitrate Measurement in Seawater based on Environmental Correction Algorithm.  IEEE Sensors Journal,  23,  15803-15812, 2023. 

15.  Xiaoxue Bai, Muzi Zhang , Xin Wang  and Chi Wu. High-Resolution Seawater Salinity Sensor Based on Temperature Self-Compensating Optical Interferometer.  IEEE Sensors Journal,  24,  1374-1382, 2024. 

16.  Cong Zhang , Yuyang Xiao , Wenyue Gao , Yujie Fu , Zhensong Zhou , Shiyu Chen , Juan Su,Albert Wu  and Chi Wu. Contribution of dissolved organic matter to seawater salinity measured by optic refractometer: a case study of DOM extracted from Aoshan Bay.  Frontiers in Marine Science 2023,  10,  1142718, 2023. 

17.  Lanting Ji , Shanshan Zhao, Qingquan Sun, Shuqing Yang, Xiaoxue Bai, Putian Zhao, Juan Su  and Chi Wu. Seawater temperature measurement system based on wavelength sweeping and cross-correlation algorithm.  IEEE Sensors Journal 2023,  23,  2023. 

18.  Xinyu Zhang, Lili Jiang, Zhijun Zhang, Zhigang Qiao, Xianglong Hao, Juan Su,Chenxu Lu, Guangbing Yang, Xuejun Xiong, Liyuan Gao , Ran Song  and Chi Wu. An integrated interferometric fiber optic sensor using a 638 nm semiconductor laser for air-water surface velocity measurements.  IEEE Sensors Journal 2023,  23,  1795, 2023. 

19.  Lanting Ji , Qingquan Sun, Shanshan Zhao, Shuqing Yang, Jie Xu, Juan Su  and Chi Wu. High-resolution fiber grating pressure sensor with in-situ calibration for deep sea exploration.  Optics Express,  31,  10358, 2023. 

20.  Gang Li , Lanting Ji, Guoqiang Li, QingQuan Sun, Dexin Gao, Shanshan Zhao, Juan Su,  and Chi Wu. Resonant fiber-optic thermometry with high resolution and wide range.  Optics Express,  30,  26082-26089, 2022. 

21.  Ran Song , Xianglogn Hao, Xuyang Jing, Donghao Deng, Yanan Li, Xiaoguagn Qi, Juan Su  and Chi Wu. Optical waveguide-type laser interference velocimeter for measurement of ultra-low speeds.  IEEE Sensors Journal,  22,  12776-12783, 2022. 

22.  Gang Li , Lanting Ji, Guoqiang Li, Juan Su  and Chi Wu. High-resolution and large-dynamic-range temperature sensor using fiber Bragg grating Fabry-Pérot cavity.  Optics Express,  29,  18523-18529, 2021. 

23.  Lanting Ji , Gang Li, Cheng Zhang, Juan Su,  and Chi Wu. High-Resolution and Large-Dynamic-Rangeπ-Phase-Shifted FBG Sensor by a Current Modulated Diode Laser.  IEEE Sensors Journal,  21,  27482-27488, 2021. 

24.  Lanting Ji , Shuqing Yang, Rongna Shi, Yujie Fu, Juan Su  and Chi Wu. Polymer Waveguide Coupled Surface Plasmon Refractive Index Sensor: a Theoretical Study.  Photonic sensors,  10,  353-363, 2020. 

25.  Lanting Ji , Wei Wei, Gang Li, Shuqing Yang, Yujie Fu, Juan Su  and Chi Wu. Refractive Index Sensor Based on Metal-Clad Planar Polymer Waveguide Operating at 850 nm.  Photonic Sensors,  11,  448-456, 2020. 

26.  Peng Ju , Jinfeng Ding, Bing Wang, Wen Li, Fenghua Jiang, Xiuxun, Han, Chengjun Sun  and Chi Wu. Intrinsic peroxidase-like activity of Cu2ZnSn(SxSe1-x)4 nanocrystals, and their application to the colorimetric detection of H2O2.  MICROCHIMICA ACTA,  2019. 

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