Jian Hong Wang, 23 - Lifecycle cost and performance analysis for repair of concrete tunnels, Editor(s): F. Pacheco-Torgal, Robert E. Melchers, Xianming Shi, Nele De Belie, Kim Van Tittelboom, Andrés Sáez, In Woodhead Publishing Series in Civil and Structural Engineering, Eco-Efficient Repair and Rehabilitation of Concrete Infrastructures, Woodhead Publishing, 2018, Pages 637-672, ISBN 9780081021811。
王剣宏,田中弘.第九届中日盾构隧道技术交流会论文集(The ninth China-Japan Conference on Shield Tunneling),ISBN:978-4-9909712-1-2,Sanwa,東京, 2017.8
日本下水道协会主编 [下水道设施抗震计算例]-管路篇
Shi, Z. & Wang, J. (2016). 5. Structural Analysis Theories of Composite Pipes as Semi-Composite Structure in Sewer Renovation. Structural Analysis and Renovation Design of Ageing Sewers (pp. 165-212). Warsaw, Poland: De Gruyter Open.
袁大军,李兴高,王剣宏.第七届中日盾构隧道技术交流会论文集(The Seventh China-Japan Conference on Shield Tunneling),ISBN: 9787114108860,人民交通出版社出版社,北京2013.9
东京下水道局主编 [大口径下水管道的调查诊断和更新指针]