所属院部: 化学与化工学院
  • 教师拼音名称:
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  • 毕业院校:
    University of Maryland, College Park
  • 博士生导师
  • 硕士生导师

长期致力于利用绿色电能结合极端温度条件探索新型材料加工手段和新材料的开发,以及在储能、环境、生物质等领域的应用。发表国际高水平期刊发表论文80余篇,以第一作者(含共一)或通讯作者发表论文于Nature, Science, Nature EnergyNature Sustainability, Science Advances, Journal of the American Chemical SocietyAdvanced Materials等国际知名期刊, 论文总引用12,000余次, H-index 57。论文多次被“Science Daily”,“EurekAlert! AAAS”,等网站媒体作为亮点专题报道,并被Nature, Nature Review Materials, Chemical Reviews, Science Advances等权威期刊引用。现为eScience, Chinese Chemical Letters, Energy Storage and Saving,  The Innovation等期刊青年编委。曾获得国家高层次青年人才、山东省高层次青年人才、泰山学者青年专家、山大杰出中青年学者及教育部优秀自费留学生等荣誉,2023年全职回国加入山东大学前沿化学研究院物质创制与能量转换科学研究中心。



06/2023 till now                          Shandong University (Qingdao Campus)

Principal investigator/Professor  


02/2022 -06/2023                       Department of Materials Science and Engineering, University of Maryland, College Park

Assistant Research Scientist

08/2019-01/2022                        Department of Materials Science and Engineering, University of Maryland, College Park

Postdoctoral Researcher         


07/2014-07/2016                         Volkswagen




(1)             Xie, H., et al. A Stable Atmospheric-Pressure Plasma for Extreme-Temperature Synthesis, Nature, 2023, 10.1038/s41586-023-06694-1.

(2)             Zhao, X., Li, T., Xie, H., et al. A Solution-Processed Radiative Cooling Glass, Science, 2023, 382(6671), 684-691.

(3)             Xie, H., V.K., Champagne III, W., Zhong, et al. Design, Fabrication, and Screening of Environmental-Thermal Barrier Coatings Prepared by Ultrafast High Temperature Sintering, Advanced Functional Materials, 2023, 2309978.

(4)             Xie, H., Qin, M., Hong, M., Rao, J., Guo, M., Luo, J. and Hu, L.,  Rapid liquid phase–assisted ultrahigh-temperature sintering of high-entropy ceramic composites, Science Advances, 2022, 8 (27), eabn8241.

(5)             Xie, H., Xie, X., Hu, G., Prabhakaran, V., Saha, S., Gonzalez-Lopez, L., Phakatkar, A.H., Hong, M., Wu, M., Shahbazian-Yassar, R., Ramani, V.,  et al. Ta–TiOx nanoparticles as radical scavengers to improve the durability of Fe–N–C oxygen reduction catalysts, Nature Energy, 2022, 7 (3), 281-289.

(6)             Li, Z., Chen, C., Xie, H., Yao, Y., Zhang, X., Brozena, A., Li, J., Ding, Y., Zhao, X., Hong, M., Qiao, H., et al. Sustainable high-strength macrofibres extracted from natural bamboo. Nature Sustainability, 2021, 1-10.

(7)             Xie, H., Yang, C., Ren, Y., Xu, S., Hamann, T.R., McOwen, D.W., Wachsman, E.D. and Hu, L., Amorphous-carbon-coated 3D solid electrolyte for an electro-chemomechanically stable lithium metal anode in solid-state batteries. Nano Letters, 2021, 21(14): 6163-6170.

(8)             Xie, H., Hong, M., Hitz, E.M., Wang, X., Cui, M., Kline, D.J., Zachariah, M.R. and Hu, L., High-temperature pulse method for nanoparticle redispersion. Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2020, 142(41), 17364-17371.

(9)             Hitz, E., Xie, H., Lin, Y., Connell, J.W., Rubloff, G.W., Lin, C.F. and Hu, L.,  Ion-conducting, electron-blocking layer for highperformance solid electrolytes. Small Structures, 2021, 2100014.

(10)          Hong, M., Dong, Q., Xie, H., Clifford, B.C., Qian, J., Wang, X., Luo, J. and Hu, L., Ultrafast sintering of solid-state electrolytes with volatile fillers. ACS Energy Letters, 2021, 6 (11), 3753-3760

(11)          Xie, H., Liu, Y., Li, N., Li, B., Kline, D.J., Yao, Y., Zachariah, M.R., Wang, G., Su, D., Wang, C. and Hu, L.,  High-temperature-pulse synthesis of ultrathin-graphene-coated metal nanoparticles. Nano Energy, 2020, 80, 105536.

(12)          Hong, M., Dong, Q., Xie, H., et al. Tailoring grain growth and densification toward a high-performance solid-state electrolyte membrane. Materials Today, 2020, 42, 41-48.

(13)          Xie, H., Bao, Y., Cheng, J., Wang, C., Hitz, E.M., Yang, C., Liang, Z., Zhou, Y., He, S., Li, T. and Hu, L., Flexible garnet solid-state electrolyte membranes enabled by tile-and-grout design. ACS Energy Letters, 2019, 4(11), 2668-2674.

(14)          Wang, C., Xie, H., Ping, W., Dai, J., Feng, G., Yao, Y., He, S., Weaver, J., Wang, H., Gaskell, K. and Hu, L., A general, highly efficient, high temperature thermal pulse toward high performance solid state electrolyte. Energy Storage Materials, 2019, 17, 234-241.

(15)          Yang, C., Xie, H., Ping, W., Fu, K., Liu, B., Rao, J., Dai, J., Wang, C., Pastel, G. and Hu, L., An electron/ion dualconductive alloy framework for high-rate and high-capacity solid-state lithium-metal batteries. Advanced Materials, 2019, 31(3), 1804815.

(16)          Xie, H., Yang, C., Fu, K., Yao, Y., Jiang, F., Hitz, E., Liu, B., Wang, S. and Hu, L., Flexible, scalable, and highly conductive garnet-polymer solid electrolyte templated by bacterial cellulose. Advanced Energy Materials, 2018, 8(18) 1703474.

(17)          Xie, H., Fu, K., Yang, C., Yao, Y., Rao, J., Zhou, Y., Liu, B., Kirsch, D. and Hu, L.,  Necklace-like silicon carbide and carbon nanocomposites formed by steady joule heating. Small Methods , 2018, 1700371, 1700371.

(18)          Wang, C.; Xie, H., Zhang, L., Gong, Y., Pastel, G., Dai, J., Liu, B., Wachsman, E.D. and Hu, L., Universal soldering of lithium and sodium alloys on various substrates for batteries. Advanced Energy Materials. 2017, 1701963, 1701963.

(19)          Li, G., Xie, H., Yang, G., Liu, G., Li, C. and Li, C.,  A comprehensive sintering mechanism for TBCs‐Part II: multiscale multipoint interconnection‐enhanced initial kinetics. Journal of the American Ceramic Society, 2017, 100(9), 4240-4251.

(20)          Li, G., Xie, H., Yang, G., Liu, G., Li, C. and Li, C., A comprehensive sintering mechanism for TBCs‐Part I: an overall evolution with two‐stage kinetics. Journal of the American Ceramic Society, 2017, 100(5), 2176-2189.

(21)          Xie, H., Xie, Y.C., Yang, G.J., Li, C.X. and Li, C.J.,  Modeling thermal conductivity of thermally sprayed coatings with intrasplat cracks. Journal of thermal spray technology, 2013, 22(8), 1328-1336.

  • 2016-9 — 2019-8
    University of Maryland, College Park
  • 2011-9 — 2014-6
  • 2009-9 — 2011-6
    Université de Technologie de Troyes
  • 2007-9 — 2011-6
  • 2019-08 — 2022-01
  • 2014-07 — 2016-06
  • 2022-02 — 2023-05


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