
薛丽坤,教授、博士生导师、环境研究院副院长。国家优秀青年基金获得者,国家生态环境保护专业技术青年拔尖人才,山东省杰出青年基金获得者,山东大学杰出中青年学者。主要从事大气化学与污染防治研究,发表学术论文190余篇,申请专利16项,论文被引用9000余次,H指数52(Google Scholar)。担任中国环境科学学会大气环境分会副秘书长、中国环境科学学会臭氧污染控制专业委员会副秘书长、《中国环境科学》青年编委会主任委员,获教育部自然科学二等奖、环境保护科学技术二等奖、中国生态环境十大科技进展、中国环境科学学会青年科学家奖等。

  • 2006-9 — 2011-12
    山东大学 环境研究院
  • 2002-9 — 2006-7
    山东大学 环境科学与工程学院
  • 2007-09 — 2008-09
     土木与环境工程系  香港理工大学 
  • 2009-09 — 2011-01
     土木与环境工程系  香港理工大学 
  • 2011-01 — 2015-01
     土木与环境工程系  香港理工大学 
  • 2015-01 — 至今
     环境研究院  山东大学 
  • 2016-04 — 2018-08
  • 中国环境科学学会大气环境分会副秘书长
  • 中国环境科学学会臭氧污染控制专业委员会副秘书长
  • 《中国环境科学》青年编委会主任委员
  • Air Quality, Atmosphere & Health副主编
  • Atmospheric and Oceanic Science Letters编委
  • 《环境科学研究》编委
  • 中国气象局吉林云物理野外科学试验基地学术指导委员会委员

(1) 王宇佳.济南市区典型道路交通状况及其对空气质量的差异化影响.山东大学学报:工学版.2024

(2) 李敏.Large Contributions of Gas-Particle Partitioning and Heterogenous Processes to Particulate Nitroaromatic Compounds at a Mountain Site Revealed by Observation-Based and Multiphase Modeling.Journal of Geophysical Research-Atmosphere.2024,129 (23)

(3) 赵娜.Nonlinear relationship between air pollution and precursor emissions in Qingdao, eastern China.Frontiers of Environmental Science & Engineering.2025,19 (1)

(4) 乜艳秋.泰山夏季O3和PM2.5污染特征及成因分析.《环境科学研究》.2024 (3):427

(5) 乜艳秋.泰山夏季O3和PM2.5污染特征及成因分析.《环境科学研究》.2024

(6) 乜艳秋.泰山夏季O_(3)和PM_(2.5)污染特征及成因分析.《环境科学研究》.2024,37 (3):427-438

(7) 申恒青.Trace Metals Reveal Significant Contribution of Coal Combustion to Winter Haze Pollution in Northern China.ACS ES&T Air.2024,1 (7)

(8) 申恒青.Marine sources of formaldehyde in the coastal atmosphere.science bulletin.2024

(9) 赵敏.Carbonyl Compounds Regulate Atmospheric Oxidation Capacity and Particulate Sulfur Chemistry in the Coastal Atmosphere.Environmental Science & Technology.2024,58 (39):17334-17343

(10) 李洪勇.In situ measurement of organic aerosol molecular markers in urban Hong Kong during a summer period: temporal variations and source apportionment.Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics.2024,24 (12):7085-7100

(11) 陈天舒.Heatwave exacerbates air pollution in China through intertwined climate-energy-environment interactions.science bulletin.2024

(12) 张记胜.Sources and formation characteristics of particulate nitrate in the Pearl River Delta region of China: Insights from three-year online observations.Science of The Total Environment .2024,945

(13) Yujie Zhang.Evolution of Ozone Formation Sensitivity during a Persistent Regional Ozone Episode in Northeastern China and Its Implication for a Control Strategy.Environmental Science & Technology.2023,58 (1):617-627

(14) Hong, Youwei.Exploring the amplified role of HCHO in the formation of HMS and O3 during the co-occurring PM2.5 and O3 pollution in a coastal city of southeast China.Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics.2023,23 (18):10795-10807

(15) 汤景皓.Significant contributions of the petroleum industry to volatile organic compounds and ozone pollution: Insights from year-long observations in the Yellow River Delta.Atmospheric and Oceanic Science Letters.2024

(16) 陈天舒.Modeling the Impacts of Volatile Chemical Product Emissions on Atmospheric Photochemistry and Ozone Formation in Los Angeles.Journal of Geophysical Research-Atmosphere.2024,129 (11)

(17) Chen, T., Wang*, T., Xue*, L. & Brasseur, G. Heatwave exacerbates air pollution in China through intertwined climate–energy–environment interactions, Science Bulletin, doi:10.1016/j.scib.2024.05.018

(18) Y. Sun, Y. Zhu, Y*. Qi, L. Chen, J. Mu, Y. Shan, Y. Yang, Y. Nie, P. Liu, C. Cui, J. Zhang, M. Liu, L. Zhang, Y. Wang, X. Wang, M. Tang, W. Wang, L. Xue*, Measurement report: Atmospheric ice nuclei in the Changbai Mountains (2623 m a.s.l.) in northeastern Asia, Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 24 (2024) 3241-3256.

(19) Y. Zhang, J. Gao, Y*,. Zhu, Y. Liu, H. Li, X. Yang, X. Zhong, M. Zhao, W. Wang, F. Che, D. Zhou, S. Wang, G. Zhi, L. Xue*,, H. Li*,, Evolution of Ozone Formation Sensitivity during a Persistent Regional Ozone Episode in Northeastern China and Its Implication for a Control Strategy, Environmental Science & Technology, 58 (2023) 617-627.

(20) T. Chen, J. Gilman, S.W. Kim, B. Lefer, R. Washenfelder, C.J. Young, B. Rappenglueck, P.S. Stevens, P.R. Veres, L. Xue*, J. de Gouw*, Modeling the Impacts of Volatile Chemical Product Emissions on Atmospheric Photochemistry and Ozone Formation in Los Angeles, Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, 129, 2024.

(21) H. Shen, L. Xue*, G. Fan, H. Xu, Z. Zhang, G. Pan, T. Wang, W*. Wang, Trace Metals Reveal Significant Contribution of Coal Combustion to Winter Haze Pollution in Northern China, ACS ES&T Air, (2024) 809-819.

(22) Y. Zhang, H. Wang*, L. Huang*, L. Qiao, M. Zhou, J. Mu, C. Wu, Y. Zhu, H. Shen, C. Huang, G. Wang, T. Wang, W. Wang, L. Xue*, Double-Edged Role of VOCs Reduction in Nitrate Formation: Insights from Observations during the China International Import Expo 2018, Environmental Science & Technology, 57 (2023) 15979-15989, Environmental Science & Technology, 2023 ,57 (42).

(23) X. Zhong, H. Shen*, M. Zhao, J. Zhang, Y. Sun, Y. Liu, Y. Zhang, Y. Shan, H. Li, J. Mu, Y. Yang, Y. Nie, J. Tang, C. Dong, X. Wang, Y. Zhu, M. Guo, W. Wang, L. Xue*, Nitrous acid budgets in the coastal atmosphere: potential daytime marine sources, Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 23 (2023) 14761-14778, Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 2023 ,23 (23):14761-14778.

(24) Y. Hong*, K. Zhang, D. Liao, G. Chen, M. Zhao, Y. Lin, X. Ji, K. Xu, Y. Wu, R. Yu, G. Hu, S.-D. Choi, L. Xue*, J. Chen, Exploring the amplified role of HCHO in the formation of HMS and O3 during the co-occurring PM2.5 and O3 pollution in a coastal city of southeast China, Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 23 (2023) 10795-10807.

(25) Y. Jiang, E.H. Hoffmann, A. Tilgner, M.B.E. Aiyuk, S.T. Andersen, L. Wen, M. van Pinxteren, H. Shen, L. Xue*, W. Wang, H. Herrmann*, Insights Into NOx and HONO Chemistry in the Tropical Marine Boundary Layer at Cape Verde During the MarParCloud Campaign, Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, 128.

(26) Y. Zhang, L. Xue*, J. Mu, T. Chen, H. Li, J. Gao, W. Wang, Developing the Maximum Incremental Reactivity for Volatile Organic Compounds in Major Cities of Central-Eastern China, Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, 127- e2022JD037296.

(27) M. Zhao, Y. Zhang, C. Pei, T. Chen, J. Mu, Y. Liu, Y. Wang, W. Wang, L. Xue*, Worsening ozone air pollution with reduced NOx and VOCs in the Pearl River Delta region in autumn 2019: Implications for national control policy in China, 324 -11632, 2022.

(28) Y. Jiang, L. Xue*, H. Shen, C. Dong, Z. Xiao, W. Wang, Dominant Processes of HONO Derived from Multiple Field Observations in Contrasting Environments, Environmental Science & Technology Letters, 9 (2022) 258-264.

(29) T. Liu, Y. Hong, M. Li, L. Xu, J. Chen*, Y. Bian, C. Yang, Y. Dan, Y. Zhang, L. Xue*, M. Zhao, Z. Huang, H. Wang, Atmospheric oxidation capacity and ozone pollution mechanism in a coastal city of southeastern China: analysis of a typical photochemical episode by an observation-based model, Atmos. Chem. Phys, 22:2173-2190.2022

(30) Y. Zhu, Y. Shen, K. Li, H. Meng, Y. Sun, X. Yao*, H. Gao, L. Xue*, W. Wang, Investigation of Particle Number Concentrations and New Particle Formation With Largely Reduced Air Pollutant Emissions at a Coastal Semi‐Urban Site in Northern China, Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, 126 (2021).

(31) Y. Zhang, L. Xue*, W.P.L. Carter, C. Pei, T. Chen, J. Mu, Y. Wang, Q. Zhang, W. Wang, Development of ozone reactivity scales for volatile organic compounds in a Chinese megacity, Atmos. Chem. Phys, 21 (2021) 11053-11068.

(32) Y. Zhang, L. Xue*, H. Li, T. Chen, J. Mu, C. Dong, L. Sun, H. Liu, Y. Zhao, D. Wu, X. Wang, W. Wang, Source Apportionment of Regional Ozone Pollution Observed at Mount Tai, North China: Application of Lagrangian Photochemical Trajectory Model and Implications for Control Policy, Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, 126 (2021) e2020JD033519.

(33) Y. Zhu, L. Xue*, J. Gao, J. Chen, H. Li, Y. Zhao, Z. Guo, T. Chen, L. Wen, P. Zheng, Y. Shan, X. Wang, T. Wang, X. Yao*, W. Wang, Increased new particle yields with largely decreased probability of survival to CCN size at the summit of Mt. Tai under reduced SO2 emissions, Atmos. Chem. Phys., 21 (2021) 1305-1323.

(34) Y. Zhu, A. Tilgner, E.H. Hoffmann*, H. Herrmann, K. Kawamura, L. Yang, L. Xue*, W. Wang, Multiphase MCM–CAPRAM modeling of the formation and processing of secondary aerosol constituents observed during the Mt. Tai summer campaign in 2014, Atmos. Chem. Phys., 20 (2020) 6725-6747.

(35) T. Chen, L. Xue*, P. Zheng, Y. Zhang, Y. Liu, J. Sun, G. Han, H. Li, X. Zhang, Y. Li, H. Li, C. Dong, F. Xu, Q. Zhang, W. Wang, Volatile organic compounds and ozone air pollution in an oil production region in northern China, Atmos. Chem. Phys., 20 (2020) 7069-7086.

(36) Y. Jiang, L. Xue*, R. Gu, M. Jia, Y. Zhang, L. Wen, P. Zheng, T. Chen, H. Li, Y. Shan, Y. Zhao, Z. Guo, Y. Bi, H. Liu, A. Ding, Q. Zhang, W. Wang, Sources of nitrous acid (HONO) in the upper boundary layer and lower free troposphere of the North China Plain: insights from the Mount Tai Observatory, Atmos. Chem. Phys., 20 (2020) 12115-12131.

(37) L. Sun, L. Xue*, Y. Wang*, L. Li, J. Lin, R. Ni, Y. Yan, L. Chen, J. Li, Q. Zhang, W. Wang, Impacts of meteorology and emissions on summertime surface ozone increases over central eastern China between 2003 and 2015, Atmos. Chem. Phys., 19 (2019) 1455-1469.

(38) L. Wen, L. Xue*, X. Wang, C. Xu, T. Chen, L. Yang, T. Wang, Q. Zhang, W. Wang, Summertime fine particulate nitrate pollution in the North China Plain: increasing trends, formation mechanisms and implications for control policy, Atmos. Chem. Phys., 18 (2018) 11261-11275.

(39) X. Yang.X. Yang, L. Xue*, T. Wang, X. Wang, J. Gao, S. Lee, D.R. Blake, F. Chai and W. Wang. Observations and explicit modeling of summertime carbonyl formation in Beijing: Identification of key precursor species and their impact on atmospheric oxidation chemistry, Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, 123(2), 1426-1440, 2018.

(40) L. Xue*, R. Gu, T. Wang, X. Wang, S. Saunders, D. Blake, P.K.K. Louie, C.W.Y. Luk, I. Simpson, Z. Xu, Z. Wang, Y. Gao, S. Lee, A. Mellouki, W. Wang, Oxidative capacity and radical chemistry in the polluted atmosphere of Hong Kong and Pearl River Delta region: analysis of a severe photochemical smog episode, Atmos. Chem. Phys., 16 (2016) 9891-9903.

(41) L. Sun, L. Xue*, T. Wang, J. Gao, A. Ding, O.R. Cooper, M. Lin, P. Xu, Z. Wang, X. Wang, L. Wen, Y. Zhu, T. Chen, L. Yang, Y. Wang, J. Chen, W. Wang, Significant increase of summertime ozone at Mount Tai in Central Eastern China, Atmos. Chem. Phys., 16 (2016) 10637-10650.

(42) L.K. Xue*, S.M. Saunders, T. Wang, R. Gao, X.F. Wang, Q.Z. Zhang, W.X. Wang, Development of a chlorine chemistry module for the Master Chemical Mechanism, Geosci. Model Dev., 8 (2015) 3151-3162.

(43) L. Xue*, T. Wang*, J. Gao, A. J. Ding, X. H. Zhou, D. R. Blake, X. F. Wang, S. M. Saunders, S. J. Fan, H. C. Zuo, Q. Z. Zhang and W. X. Wang, Ground-level ozone in four Chinese cities: precursors, regional transport and heterogeneous processes.Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 14. 13175-13188.

(44) L. Xue*, T. Wang*, P. K. Louie, C. W. Luk, D. R. Blake and Z. Xu, Increasing external effects negate local efforts to control ozone air pollution: a case study of Hong Kong and implications for other Chinese cities, Environmental Science & Technology, 48, 10769-10775, 2014.

(45) L.K. Xue, T. Wang*, H. Guo, D.R. Blake, J. Tang, X.C. Zhang, S.M. Saunders, W.X. Wang, Sources and photochemistry of volatile organic compounds in the remote atmosphere of western China: results from the Mt. Waliguan Observatory, Atmos. Chem. Phys., 13 (2013) 8551-8567.

(46) L.K. Xue, T. Wang*, J.M. Zhang, X.C. Zhang, Deliger, C.N. Poon, A.J. Ding, X.H. Zhou, W.S. Wu, J. Tang, Q.Z. Zhang, W.X. Wang, Source of surface ozone and reactive nitrogen speciation at Mount Waliguan in western China: New insights from the 2006 summer study, Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, 116 (2011).

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