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- [81] 邱道宏. Prediction of the Surrounding Rock Deformation Grade for a High-Speed Railway Tunnel Based on Rough Set Theory and a Cloud Model. IRANIAN JOURNAL OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY-TRANSACTIONS OF CIVIL ENGINEERING, 45, 303, 2021.
- [82] 马秀媛. 大型地下水封石油洞库水幕系统优化设计研究. 《岩土力学》, 37, 776, 2016.
- [83] 李勇. The Microscopic Mechanism of Crack Evolution in Brittle Material Containing 3-D Embedded Flaw. Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering, 53, 5239, 2020.
- [84] 李勇. The crack coalescence mode and physical field evolutionary characteristics of a brittle material containing two 3-D parallel embedded flaws. THEORETICAL AND APPLIED FRACTURE MECHANICS Journal, 110, 1, 2020.
- [85] 苏茂鑫. Parameter Preferences for Length Detection of Reinforcement Cage in Bored Pile. JOURNAL OF PERFORMANCE OF CONSTRUCTED FACILITIES , 34, 2020.
- [86] 苏茂鑫. Parameter Preferences for Length Detection of Reinforcement Cage in Bored Pile. Journal of Performance of Constructed Facilities, 34, 2020.
- [87] 杨尚阳. Finite element analysis on mechanical behaviour of Yungui railway tunnel in shallow and unsymmetrical strata. Int. J. Hybrid Inf. Technol., 9, 21, 2016.
- [88] 苏茂鑫. Small fixed-loop transient electromagnetic in tunnel forward geological prediction. GEOPHYSICAL PROSPECTING, 68, 1399, 2020.
- [89] 薛翊国. A Survey Method on Groundwater Sources and Preferential Flow Paths In Urban Limestone-Based Residential Districts. Journal of Environmental and Engineering Geophysics, 25, 235, 2020.
- [90] 薛翊国. A two-step comprehensive evaluation model for rockburst prediction based on multiple empirical criteria. ENGINEERING GEOLOGY, 268, 2020.
- [91] 杨为民 , 邱道宏 and 薛翊国. Total deformation prediction of the typical loess tunnels. Bulletin of Engineering Geology and the Environment, 2020.
- [92] 邱道宏. A Comprehensive Assessment Method for Safety Risk of Gas Tunnel Construction Based on Fuzzy Bayesian Network. Polish Journal of Environmental Studies, 2020.
- [93] 张龙. Modeling the size-dependent nanostructures: Incorporating the bulk and surface effects. J. Nanomech. Micromech., 7, 2017.
- [94] 邱道宏 and 薛翊国. Mechanical Properties of Support Form for Fault Fracture Zone in Subsea Tunnel. SOIL MECHANICS AND FOUNDATION ENGINEERING, 56, 436, 2020.
- [95] 杨洋 and 孙怀凤. L1-norm based nonlinear inversion of transient electromagnetic data. Chinese Journal of Geophysics (Acta Geophysica Sinica), 62, 4860, 2019.
- [96] 薛翊国 , 邱道宏 and 张乐文. Classification model for surrounding rock based on the PCA-ideal point method: an engineering application. Bulletin of Engineering Geology and the Environment, 78, 3627, 2019.
- [97] 薛翊国*,陈剑平,王清等. 基于界面元的裂隙网络渗流模型中不稳定块体预测 [J]. 岩石力学与工程学报, 2008(07): 1485-1491. (EI收录).
- [98] 薛翊国*,李术才,张庆松等. 隧道信息化施工岩溶裂隙水超前地质预报[J]. 岩土力学, 2008, 29(12): 3360-3364. (EI收录).
- [99] 薛翊国*,李术才,苏茂鑫等. 青岛胶州湾海底隧道含水断层综合超前预报实践[J]. 岩石力学与工程学报, 2009, 28(10): 2081-2087. (EI收录).
- [100] 薛翊国*,李术才,苏茂鑫等. 隧道施工期超前地质预报实施方法研究[J]. 岩土力学, 2011, 32(08): 2416-2422. (EI收录).