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- [141] 徐菲 , 王文兴 and 张庆竹. Formation of Chlorotriophenoxy Radicals from Complete Series Reactions of Chlorotriophenols with .... INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR SCIENCES, 16, 18714, 2015.
- [142] 徐菲 and 张庆竹. Mechanistic and Kinetic Studies on the Homogeneous Gas-phase Formation of PCTA/DTs from 2,4-Dichl.... INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR SCIENCES, 16, 20449, 2015.
- [143] 徐菲 and 张庆竹. Homogeneous gas-phase formation of polychlorinated naphthalene from dimerization of 4-chloropheno.... Chemical Physics Letters, 2015.
- [144] 徐菲 and 张庆竹. Quantum chemical and direct dynamic study on homogeneous gas-phase formation of PBDD/Fs from 2,4,.... Chemosphere, 93, 512, 2013.
- [145] 徐菲 and 张庆竹. Formation of bromophenoxy radicals from complete series reactions of bromophenols with H and OH r.... Chemosphere, 2013.
- [146] 张庆竹 and 徐菲. Mechanism and Direct Kinetic Study of the Polychlorinated Dibenzo-p-dioxin andDibenzofuran Format.... Environ. Sci. & Technol, 45, 643, 2011.
- [147] 张庆竹 , 王文兴 and 徐菲. Theoretical Mechanistic and Kinetic Studies on Homogeneous Gas-phase Formation of Polychlorinated.... INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR SCIENCES, 16, 25641, 2015.
- [148] 张庆竹 and 徐菲. Mechanistic and Kinetic Studies on the Homogeneous Gas-phase Formation of PCTA/DTs from 2,4-Dichl.... International Journal of Molecular Sciences., 16, 20449, 2015.
- [149] 张庆竹 and 徐菲. Formation of Polychlorinated Naphthalene from Dimerization of 4-Chlorophenoxy Radicals and Cross-.... Chemical Physics Letters, 638, 153, 2015.
- [150] 张庆竹 and 徐菲. Quantum Chemical and Kinetic Study on Polychlorinated Naphthalene Formation from 3-Chlorophenol P.... INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR SCIENCES, 16, 20620, 2015.