
Minghui Xu is an Associate Professor of the School of Computer Science and Technology, Shandong University, where he also co-leads the Blockchain and Distributed Computing Lab with Prof. Xiuzhen Cheng. He has been an academic guest of ETH Zurich. Before that, he completed PhD in Computer Science at The George Washington University in 2021 and BS degree in Physics at the Beijing Normal University in 2018. Dr. Xu’s research focuses on blockchain, distributed computing, and applied cryptography. He has published papers on pretigious conferences and journals, including USENIX Security, IEEE INFOCOMICDCSTMCTCJSACTPDSTWC. He also served as the editorial board member of Elsevier High-Confidence Computing, and the session chair of several conferences including IEEE IPCCC, IEEE FNWF, and IEEE ICMC. Homepage:

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