Paper Publications
- [65] jianghan , XU Qiuliang and 李真. Multi-user searchable encryption with a designated server. ANNALS OF TELECOMMUNICATIONS, 72, 617, 2017.
- [66] jianghan , XU Qiuliang and 赵川. Fast Two-Output Secure Computation with Optimal Error Probability. Chinese Journal of Electronics, 26, 933, 2017.
- [67] XU Qiuliang and 魏晓超. k-out-of-n Oblivious transfer protocol with security against malicious adversaries. COMPUTER SYSTEMS SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING, 32, 81, 2017.
- [68] XU Qiuliang and linfengbo. Improved power analysis attack based on the preprocessed power traces. 11th International Conference on Green, Pervasive and Cloud Computing, GPC 2016, EI: 20162102417370, 11, 278, 2016.
- [69] XU Qiuliang. A fully anonymous identity-based signcryption scheme in the standard model. Proceedings - 2010 International Conference on Computational Intelligence and Security, CIS 2010, EI:20110813681567, 2010.
- [70] XU Qiuliang. Constant-rounds, linear multi-party computation for exponentiation and modulo reduction with perfect security. ASIACRYPT 2011 亚密会,CCF B类,LNCS, V.7073, Springer, 7073, 572, 2011.
- [71] XU Qiuliang. Identity-based authenticate key exchange protocol from lattice. Proceedings - 9th International Conference on Computational Intelligence and Security, CIS 2013, p 564-568, 2013, Accession number: 20141217490359, 2013.
- [72] XU Qiuliang and jianghan. Research on the round complexity of vss in the information theory model. International Journal of Digital Content Technology and Its Applications, 6, 45, 2012.
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