Paper Publications
- [171] lengxue , wenjie , zhouqian , xuxin , wuxunwei and 钱华. One-Step Simple Isolation Method to Obtain Both Epidermal and Dermal Stem Cells from Human Skin Specimen. Methods in Molecular Biology, 2019, 139, 2018.
- [172] xuxin and Yong Wen. Development of reactive oxygen species (ROS)-responsive nanoplatform for targeted oral cancer therapy. Journal of Materials Chemistry B, 4, 4675, 2016.
- [173] yuehaitao , maqianli , xuxin and liguoju. 利用数字成像曲面体层摄影对颌骨后部解剖标志显现情况的临床研究. 山东大学学报医学版, 2009.
- [174] jiangbaoqi , huanghaiyun , xuxin and Yong Wen. 增强型绿色荧光蛋白慢病毒载体标记人牙周膜干细胞的实验研究. 华西口腔医学杂志, 30, 82, 2012.
- [175] xuxin and lanjing. BLB种植体表面处理对骨结合的影响. 《中国口腔颌面外科杂志》, 2009.
- [176] mayue , yangpishan , xuxin and huanghaiyun. 后牙区短种植体种植的临床观察 . 中国口腔种植学杂志, 13, 186, 2008.
- [177] xuxin , Xuxia Wang and Yong Wen. Expression and localization of Yap and Taz during the development of mandibular first molar in rats. BIOTECH HISTOCHEM, 2017.
- [178] xuxin and Yong Wen. A new biosafe reactive oxygen species (ROS)-responsive nanoplatform for drug delivery. RSC advances, 6, 38984, 2016.
- [179] xuxin and Yong Wen. 上颌窦外侧壁牙槽管解剖的锥形束CT研究. 山东大学学报医学版, 54, 66, 2016.
- [180] xuxin and Yong Wen. 供体因素对牙周膜干细胞生物学特性影响的研究进展. 牙体牙髓牙周病学病杂志, 26, 559, 2016.