- On the structures, electronic properties, and superhalogen regulation of the MnB6- cluster: A density functional theory investigation
- 点击次数:
- 所属单位:化学与化工学院
- 发表刊物:Chem Phys Letters
- 第一作者:陈静
- 论文编号:5AB14D4987FE4058BF16E0E9763382EA
- 期号:754
- 字数:3000
- 是否译文:否
- 发表时间:2020-06-18
上一条: A density functional theory calculation on the geometrical structures and electronic properties of Ag-19 under the oriented external electric field
下一条: Effects of rovibrational excitation of LiH on the LiH depletion and H exchange channels for the reaction H (S-2) + LiH (X-1 Sigma(+)) on a new potential energy surface