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- [91] 朱维申 and 杨为民. 大型洞室边墙松弛劈裂区的室内和现场研究及反馈分析. 岩石力学与工程学报, 30, 1310, 2011.
- [92] 杨为民 and 朱维申. Splitting failure criterion and its application in Pubugou underground cavern groups of China. Proceedings of 44th U.S. Rock Mechanics Symposium, 2010.
- [93] 杨为民. Experimental Study on Anchoring Effect of Rock Bolts to Fractured Rock Mass. ASCE, 2010.
- [94] 杨为民 , 许振浩 , 薛翊国 and 王欣桐. A Normal Cloud Model-Based Method for Water Quality Assessment of Springs and Its Application in .... Sustainability, 11, 2019.
- [95] 周宗青 , 李利平 and 杨为民. A true triaxial geomechanical model test apparatus for studying the precursory information of wat.... Tunneling and Underground Space Technology, 2019.
- [96] 许振浩 , 杨为民 and 李术才. Mechanics Criterion of Water Inrush from the Coal Floor under Influence of Fault and Its Engineer.... INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF GEOMECHANICS, 19, 2019.
- [97] 邱道宏 and 杨为民. Stability Analysis of Surrounding Rock Based on QGA-SVM.. ADVANCED MATERIALS RESEARCH II, PTS 1 AND 2, 2015.
- [98] 李术才 , 杨为民 , 张霄 , 王者超 and 刘斌. 单轴压缩条件下砂岩破坏全过程电阻率与声发射响应特征及损伤演化. 岩石力学与工程学报, 33, 14, 2014.
- [99] 杨为民 and 李志强. Identifying the geological interface of the stratum of tunnel granite and classifying rock mass a.... 2015.
- [100] 李术才 , 张敦福 , 杨为民 , 李景龙 and 张波. 含交叉裂隙节理岩体单轴压缩破坏机制研究. 《岩土力学》, 35, 1862, 2014.