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- [121] 李利平 , 李术才 and 杨为民. Experimental Analysis on the Properties of Different Cement-Soils with Different Cement Content a.... 2016.
- [122] 张波 , 杨磊 and 杨为民. 高地应力–高水压下隧道突水模型试验系统的研制及应用. 《岩石力学与工程学报(中国科学院)》, 2017.
- [123] 李利平 , 石少帅 and 杨为民. Analysis on Water Inrush Process of Tunnel with Large Buried Depth and High Water Pressure.. Processes, 2019.
- [124] 李利平 , 李术才 and 杨为民. Experimental Analysis on the Properties of Different Cement-Soils with Different Cement Content a.... 2016.
- [125] 李利平 , 石少帅 and 杨为民. Analysis on Water Inrush Process of Tunnel with Large Buried Depth and High Water Pressure. Processes, 2019.
- [126] 邱道宏 and 杨为民. Stability Analysis of Surrounding Rock Based on QGA-SVM.. ADVANCED MATERIALS RESEARCH II, PTS 1 AND 2, 2015.
- [127] 李术才 , 邱道宏 , 杨为民 and 薛翊国. Prediction of rock burst in underground caverns based on rough set and extensible comprehensive e.... Bulletin of Engineering Geology and the Environment, 78, 417, 2019.
- [128] 张波 , 杨磊 and 杨为民. 高地应力–高水压下隧道突水模型试验系统的研制及应用. 《岩土力学与工程学报》, 2017.
- [129] 李术才 , 张波 , 杨为民 , 张强勇 and 杨磊. 水力耦合作用下岩体3维裂隙的起裂扩展模式研究. 工程科学与技术, 2018.
- [130] 李术才 , 张波 , 杨为民 and 杨磊. Experimental study of open fracture's multifarious effects on ultrasonic wave propagation in rock.... Zairyo/Journal of the Society of Materials Science, Japan, 67, 811, 2018.