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- [141] 李术才 and 杨为民. 基于并行改进遗传算法的三维电阻率反演方法. 《岩土工程学报》, 36, 1252, 2014.
- [142] 张霄 , 王者超 , 李景龙 and 杨为民. 单轴压缩条件下砂岩破坏全过程电阻率与声发射响应特征及损伤演化. 岩石力学与工程学报, 33, 15, 2014.
- [143] 朱维申 and 杨为民. Study on splitting failure in rock masses by simulation test, site monitoring and energy model. Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology, 2014.
- [144] 杨为民. Displacement Forecasting Method in Brittle Crack Surrounding Rock Under Excavation Unloading Inco.... Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering, 2014.
- [145] 杨为民. Water outbursts in underground mining with steeply dipping coal seams: numerical simulations base.... European Journal of Environmental and Civil Engineering, 18, 511, 2014.
- [146] 李术才 , 李树忱 and 杨为民. 基于强度参数演化行为的岩石峰后应力-应变关系研究. 《岩土力学》, 2013.
- [147] 朱维申 , 李术才 and 杨为民. 考虑开挖卸荷劈裂效应的脆性裂隙围岩位移预测新方法. 岩石力学与工程学报, 2011.
- [148] 李术才 , 李树忱 and 杨为民. A procedure of strain-softening model for elasto-plastic analysis of a circular opening consideri.... Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology, 2013.
- [149] 朱维申 and 杨为民. Splitting failure criterion and its application in Pubugou underground cavern groups of China. Proceedings of 44th U.S. Rock Mechanics Symposium, 2010.
- [150] 杨为民. Large Scale Experiment Study on Reinforcement Effect of Rock Bolt to Intermittent Jointed Rock Ma.... Proceedings of 44th U.S. Rock Mechanics Symposium, 2010.